I think I have a similar article on this website but the article below documents the full process to create a button that will map the values/fields from the record into a CRM Mail Merge template and send it off for signing, then return the Signed document attached to the initial record (where the button was).
If anyone has the envious task of sending a document out for signing by a customer, you will know this takes a while to do:
- You have to find the contact record in CRM for example
- Click on "Send for Zoho Sign"
- Select the template document or upload one
- Add the fields that you will complete, and the ones that other recipients will complete
- Send it for your end-user to complete and sign it
- This comes back to a section called "ZohoSign Documents", download the attachment
- Go back to the contact record, and upload the file to the attachment...
Some customers say this is unworkable and takes far too long, especially the part of adding the various field placeholders onto the template document; every time.
What if I told you we can code a single button on the record which does all of that for you; with only you needing to approve the document before it gets sent to the end user, and when they finish signing it, it attaches automatically back on to the record?... It is possible. The article below documents it but as this is a fair bit of coding, you may want to ask us to build this solution for you. It can take a few days but it will save your staff a ton of time per week!
What your staff see:
So we're going to create a button. Let's use the example of a credit application you want to send to your customer, and when they complete it, the PDF version gets attached to their contact record... all from one click of a button: