An article to remind me how to install an SSL certificate with GoDaddy.

A quick reference for myself as I found that with GoDaddy, a purchased SSL certificate seems to require re-installing each year despite it's expiry in a couple years time.

The first time I did it, there were more steps; the second time I just did as per the below. If I ever have to do the long process again, I'll add it to this article.

I know there are instructions on the GoDaddy website but this is how I do it along with screenshots:

A quick note as I had difficulty finding a clear answer on this. I need a cron job setup where the permissions for a database user is required to do a backup (reading and copying data from a LIVE database) to a copy of the database (inaccessible via other users).

I want to list 2 methods here. One to create a .sql file of the backup but another to copy the contents to a copy of the database accessible only by root and and this database "backuper" user. For both methods, I grant the following to the user doing the backup on the database I want a backup of:
GRANT SELECT, LOCK TABLES, EVENT, INDEX, REFERENCES, TRIGGER, SHOW VIEW ON 'my_live_db'.* TO 'mybackupuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mybackupuser';
  1.  GRANT SELECT, LOCK TABLES, EVENT, INDEX, REFERENCES, TRIGGER, SHOW VIEW ON 'my_live_db'.* TO 'mybackupuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mybackupuser'
Category: cPanel :: Article: 672

 I've been told of two ways of running a downloaded .RUN file.

Note: Bear in mind that the following is all case-sensitive.

Through the terminal server

  1. Download the .RUN file to your desktop
  2. Open a terminal by going to Application > Accessories > Terminal
  3. Type 'CD Desktop' to go to your desktop folder
  4. Type 'LS' just to check the .RUN file is in this one
  5. Type 'sudo sh nameoffile.run'

Through the Gnome GUI

  1. Right-click on the file you downloaded
  2. Select 'Properties'
  3. Select the 'Permissions' tab
  4. Tick the 'Execute' checkbox


The solution using the terminal worked for me but the second one using Gnome didn't.

1. If someone wants to use Ubuntu as a home media pc connected to a
tv, there is the problem of overscan; consumer tv's crop off the
border around the image. How does Ubuntu intend to officially solve
this? Right now LinuxMCE has it's own method for doing this so the
LMCE UI is never cropped off, but when the user switches back to
Ubuntu's gnome desktop, the top nav bar is cut off if he's using a
normal tv and not a pc monitor. I'd like to have 1 screen adjustment
tool that correctly adjusts both the lmce desktop and the main ubuntu
desktop, so even when using the Ubuntu desktop on a TV, the top nav
isn't cropped.  Any ideas?
  1.  1. If someone wants to use Ubuntu as a home media pc connected to a 
  2.  tv, there is the problem of overscan; consumer tv's crop off the 
  3.  border around the image. How does Ubuntu intend to officially solve 
  4.  this? Right now LinuxMCE has it's own method for doing this so the 
  5.  LMCE UI is never cropped off, but when the user switches back to 
  6.  Ubuntu's gnome desktop, the top nav bar is cut off if he's using a 
  7.  normal tv and not a pc monitor. I'd like to have 1 screen adjustment 
  8.  tool that correctly adjusts both the lmce desktop and the main ubuntu 
  9.  desktop, so even when using the Ubuntu desktop on a TV, the top nav 
  10.  isn't cropped.  Any ideas? 
Category: Linux :: Article: 180

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Joel Lipman

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