An example of code using the new API call "Module Record Count" with some criteria.
At time of print, I couldn't find an example of how to use this API call with search filters or criteria. Not sure about the rest of you, but I've been using this for pagination purposes and for the system to work out how many pages or loops in total it would need to do.
Here's a couple of working examples I use in production systems:
- I'm applying to a Zoho Instance on the US Datacenter (.COM)
- These examples are using CRM REST API v5 but you can use these as far back as CRM REST API v2.1:
- I have a connection in ZohoCRM with the required scopes: ZohoSearch.securesearch.READ AND ZohoCRM.modules.quotes.READ, Include ZohoCRM.settings.layouts.READ or ZohoCRM.settings.ALL as well; I've called it "zcrm".
Standard Call for Module Record Count:
v_PerPage = 200; v_Endpoint = ""; r_MaximumCount = invokeurl [ url :v_Endpoint type :GET connection:"zcrm" ]; v_MaxCount = ifnull(r_MaximumCount.get("count"),0).toLong(); v_Pages = ceil(v_MaxCount / v_PerPage); info v_Pages;
- v_PerPage = 200;
- v_Endpoint = "";
- r_MaximumCount = invokeUrl
- [
- url :v_Endpoint
- type :GET
- connection:"zcrm"
- ];
- v_MaxCount = ifnull(r_MaximumCount.get("count"),0).toLong();
- v_Pages = ceil(v_MaxCount / v_PerPage);
- info v_Pages;
Call with a criteria:
v_PerPage = 200; v_CountCriteria = "Quote_Stage:equals:Draft"; v_Endpoint = "" + v_CountCriteria; r_MaximumCount = invokeurl [ url :v_Endpoint type :GET connection:"zcrm" ]; v_MaxCount = ifnull(r_MaximumCount.get("count"),0).toLong(); v_Pages = ceil(v_MaxCount / v_PerPage); info v_Pages;
- v_PerPage = 200;
- v_CountCriteria = "Quote_Stage:equals:Draft";
- v_Endpoint = "" + v_CountCriteria;
- r_MaximumCount = invokeUrl
- [
- url :v_Endpoint
- type :GET
- connection:"zcrm"
- ];
- v_MaxCount = ifnull(r_MaximumCount.get("count"),0).toLong();
- v_Pages = ceil(v_MaxCount / v_PerPage);
- info v_Pages;
Call with 2 criteria:
v_PerPage = 200; v_CountCriteria = "((Quote_Stage:equals:" + encodeUrl("Draft") + ")AND(Valid_Till:greater_than:" + encodeUrl("2023-11-01") + "))"; v_Endpoint = "" + v_CountCriteria; r_MaximumCount = invokeurl [ url :v_Endpoint type :GET connection:"zcrm" ]; v_MaxCount = ifnull(r_MaximumCount.get("count"),0).toLong(); v_Pages = ceil(v_MaxCount / v_PerPage); info v_Pages;
- v_PerPage = 200;
- v_CountCriteria = "((Quote_Stage:equals:" + encodeUrl("Draft") + ")AND(Valid_Till:greater_than:" + encodeUrl("2023-11-01") + "))";
- v_Endpoint = "" + v_CountCriteria;
- r_MaximumCount = invokeUrl
- [
- url :v_Endpoint
- type :GET
- connection:"zcrm"
- ];
- v_MaxCount = ifnull(r_MaximumCount.get("count"),0).toLong();
- v_Pages = ceil(v_MaxCount / v_PerPage);
- info v_Pages;
Call with datetime criteria:
NB: You can't compare a date time value to a field that is simply of datatype: date
v_PerPage = 200; v_CountCriteria = "((Quote_Stage:equals:" + encodeUrl("Draft") + ")AND(Created_Time:less_than:" + encodeUrl("2023-11-01T01:00:00+01:00") + "))"; v_Endpoint = "" + v_CountCriteria; r_MaximumCount = invokeurl [ url :v_Endpoint type :GET connection:"zcrm" ]; v_MaxCount = ifnull(r_MaximumCount.get("count"),0).toLong(); v_Pages = ceil(v_MaxCount / v_PerPage); info v_Pages;
- v_PerPage = 200;
- v_CountCriteria = "((Quote_Stage:equals:" + encodeUrl("Draft") + ")AND(Created_Time:less_than:" + encodeUrl("2023-11-01T01:00:00+01:00") + "))";
- v_Endpoint = "" + v_CountCriteria;
- r_MaximumCount = invokeUrl
- [
- url :v_Endpoint
- type :GET
- connection:"zcrm"
- ];
- v_MaxCount = ifnull(r_MaximumCount.get("count"),0).toLong();
- v_Pages = ceil(v_MaxCount / v_PerPage);
- info v_Pages;
- Urlencoding or not didn't have much affect on the above but it is recommended you do as it did work if the criteria were encoded...
- The criteria is in the same syntax format as the one used in the Search API call. Code-wise using the same criteria variable for both calls might offer some consistency.
Notes on the attribute: Criteria
- You can't compare a date time value to a field that is simply of datatype: date (eg. Valid_Till)
- The supported operators are equals, starts_with, in, not_equal, greater_equal, greater_than, less_equal, less_than and between.
- The supported data types are picklist, id, owner_lookup, user_lookup, lookup, phone, email, date, datetime, text, textarea, integer, currency, decimal and double.
- You can search for a maximum of 10 criteria (with same or different columns) with equals and starts_with conditions.
- The only operator that is supported for encrypted fields is equals.
- When you use "equals" for multiple conditions, and if one of your conditions is (Company:equals:ABC), the response will contain records with ABC as well as ABC Inc in their Company fields.
- When you use "equals" with a single condition and search for a field (mentioned in point #3 of the Note on this page), like Campaign_Name:equals:CRM, the response will contain only those records whose Campaign_Name is "CRM" and not records with "Best CRM" or "Latest CRM" in their Campaign_Name fields.
- When you use parentheses or comma in the value for a criteria, you must escape them using a backslash. Further, you must encode the value.
Consider the search term:copyrawAfter escaping comma and parenthesis in the value: After encoding the value:((Last_Name:equals:Burns,B)and(First_Name:starts_with:M))
- ((Last_Name:equals:Burns,B)and(First_Name:starts_with:M))
- When you use backslash as the last character in the value for a criteria, you must escape it using another backslash. Further, you must encode the value.
Consider the search term: After escaping backslash in the value: After encoding the value: - To search for Date, DateTime, Lookup, Number, Currency, Boolean fields, you need comparators other than starts_with and equals.