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Zoho CRM: Manage a subform using Client Script

This is an article with a snippet of code demonstrating how to manage a subform using a Zoho CRM Client Script.

A client wanted an automation on-the-fly that when selecting a specific value in a field, a row would be added to a subform contained herein.

Well I won't go in to detail on how to add a client script, this article is just to show the snippet of code used in the client script which will manage a subform.

The module we are applying this client script to is a custom module called "Deployments". The field which triggers it is called "Which_rate_card_is_this_based_off". The expected outcome is the appending of a row to the subform based on the start date (first field in the subform) match in which case it should re-add the row with an "End Date" specified (blank or not).

console.log("Joel Lipman - 20221018 -------------------------");

// get some values from the current record
var v_CurrencyCode = ZDK.Page.getField('Currency').getValue();
var v_ConsultantLocation = ZDK.Page.getField('Location').getValue();

// only run the rest if record matches criteria
if (v_CurrencyCode == "GBP" && v_ConsultantLocation == "UK") {

    // get value of trigger field
    var v_RateCard = ZDK.Page.getField('Which_rate_card_is_this_based_off').getValue();

    // get opportunity lookup (related deal) of this record
    let r_DealLookup = ZDK.Page.getField('Opportunity_Name').getValue();
    let v_DealID =;
    let r_DealDetails = ZDK.Apps.CRM.Deals.fetchById(v_DealID);

    // get Deal/Opportunity fields we need to refer to
    var v_OppType = r_DealDetails.Type_of_Opportunity;
    var v_DealRate0 = r_DealDetails.Rate_Year_1_0;
    var v_DealRate1 = r_DealDetails.Rate_Year_1_5;
    var v_DealRate2 = r_DealDetails.Rate_Year_2_0;
    var v_DealRate3 = r_DealDetails.Rate_Year_3_0;
    var v_DealRate4 = r_DealDetails.Rate_Year_4_0;

    // default setting for alerting user
    let b_ShowAlertMessage = true;

    // specific values based on trigger field
    if (v_RateCard == 'New Rate Card (Post Aug 22)' && (v_OppType == 'Client'||v_OppType == 'People') && v_CurrencyCode == 'GBP') {

        // hard-coded values if this criteria met
        v_DealRate0 = 350;
        v_DealRate1 = 390;
        v_DealRate2 = 465;
        v_DealRate3 = 535;
        v_DealRate4 = 590;
        b_ShowAlertMessage = false;

    } else if (v_RateCard == 'Old Rate Card (Pre Aug 22)' && (v_OppType == 'Client'||v_OppType == 'People') && v_CurrencyCode == 'GBP') {

        // hard-coded values if this criteria met
        v_DealRate0 = 345;
        v_DealRate1 = 345;
        v_DealRate2 = 400;
        v_DealRate3 = 475;
        v_DealRate4 = 525;
        b_ShowAlertMessage = false;


    // show advisory
    if (b_ShowAlertMessage) {

        ZDK.Client.showAlert("You have selected a rate without any preset values.  Rates will be taken from the Opportunity record.  If these are blank then enter the rates manually below: Rate Year 1.0, Rate Year 1.5, ...");


    // update the fields (that were blank on the existing record - but now pulled from Opp or from set values)
    ZDK.Page.getForm().setValues({ 'Rate_Year_1_0': v_DealRate0 });
    ZDK.Page.getForm().setValues({ 'Rate_Year_1_5': v_DealRate1 });
    ZDK.Page.getForm().setValues({ 'Rate_Year_2_0': v_DealRate2 });
    ZDK.Page.getForm().setValues({ 'Rate_Year_3_0': v_DealRate3 });
    ZDK.Page.getForm().setValues({ 'Rate_Year_4_0': v_DealRate4 });

    // start subform management
    // *****************************************

    // declare the new row and JSON argument
    var json_Row = new Array();
    var json_Arg = new Object();

    // get some values beforehand which allows us to compare to the rows already present in the subform

    // first column to add in this row is start date (retrieved from field "Actual Start Date" on this record)
    var v_StartDateValue = ZDK.Page.getField('Actual_Start_Date').getValue();
    var v_LocalStartDate = new Date(v_StartDateValue);
    // accommodate for timezone offset
    v_LocalStartDate.setMinutes(v_LocalStartDate.getMinutes() - v_LocalStartDate.getTimezoneOffset());
    // return in yyyy-mm-dd format (on save this will display as per the format on the CRM record)
    v_StartDateFormatted = v_LocalStartDate.toJSON().slice(0, 10);
    // add this as one argument in the JSON
    json_Arg.Start_Date = v_StartDateFormatted;

    // check if end date is specified and if it is then add to this row
    v_EndDate = null;
    v_EndDateValue = ZDK.Page.getField('Actual_Finish_Date').getValue();
    if (v_EndDateValue !== null) {
        var v_LocalEndDate = new Date(v_EndDateValue);
        v_LocalEndDate.setMinutes(v_LocalEndDate.getMinutes() - v_LocalEndDate.getTimezoneOffset());
        v_EndDateFormatted = v_LocalEndDate.toJSON().slice(0, 10);
        json_Arg.End_Date = v_EndDateFormatted;

    // add currency code into column "Agreed Currency"
    json_Arg.Agreed_Currency = v_CurrencyCode;

    // the rate values we determine earlier
    json_Arg.Rate_Year_1_0 = v_DealRate0;
    json_Arg.Rate_Year_1_5 = v_DealRate1;
    json_Arg.Rate_Year_2_0 = v_DealRate2;
    json_Arg.Rate_Year_3_0 = v_DealRate3;
    json_Arg.Rate_Year_4_0 = v_DealRate4;

    // get current user to put as the new row owner (other possible values: id, full_name, email)
    v_CrmUser_FullName = $Crm.user.full_name;
    json_Arg.Rate_Change_Owner = v_CrmUser_FullName;

    // other fields to fill in for this subform row
    v_RateCardDisp = v_RateCard.indexOf(" (")>0 ? v_RateCard.substring(0, v_RateCard.indexOf(" (")) : v_RateCard;
    json_Arg.Rate_Change_Notes = v_RateCardDisp;

    // get existing subform with only the displayed rows (not been deleted)
    var l_existingSubformRows = ZDK.Page.getField('Deployment_Rate_Log').getValue();

    // loop through to exclude any rows we don't want based on criteria
    l_NewSubformRows = new Array();
    for (i = 0; i < l_existingSubformRows.length; i++) {

        // check row hasn't already been entered, here we are using the start date to determine if this has already been entered
        v_CheckField1 = l_existingSubformRows[i].Start_Date;
        var v_LocalCheckDate = new Date(v_CheckField1);
        v_LocalCheckDate.setMinutes(v_LocalCheckDate.getMinutes() - v_LocalCheckDate.getTimezoneOffset());
        v_CheckField1Formatted = v_LocalCheckDate.toJSON().slice(0, 10);

        // if the new row to add matches an existing one but ignoring the end date, then it will omit this to re-add it with an end date.
        if (v_CheckField1Formatted != v_StartDateFormatted) {
    json_Row = l_NewSubformRows;

    // put the arguments into a single row (json array)

    // need to stringify AND parse otherwise this won't work
    var json_Parsed = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json_Row));

    // set new subform rows


// don't save record?
return false;
  1.  console.log("Joel Lipman - 20221018 -------------------------")
  3.  // get some values from the current record 
  4.  var v_CurrencyCode = ZDK.Page.getField('Currency').getValue()
  5.  var v_ConsultantLocation = ZDK.Page.getField('Location').getValue()
  7.  // only run the rest if record matches criteria 
  8.  if (v_CurrencyCode == "GBP" && v_ConsultantLocation == "UK") { 
  10.      // get value of trigger field 
  11.      var v_RateCard = ZDK.Page.getField('Which_rate_card_is_this_based_off').getValue()
  13.      // get opportunity lookup (related deal) of this record 
  14.      let r_DealLookup = ZDK.Page.getField('Opportunity_Name').getValue()
  15.      let v_DealID =; 
  16.      let r_DealDetails = ZDK.Apps.crm.Deals.fetchById(v_DealID)
  18.      // get Deal/Opportunity fields we need to refer to 
  19.      var v_OppType = r_DealDetails.Type_of_Opportunity; 
  20.      var v_DealRate0 = r_DealDetails.Rate_Year_1_0; 
  21.      var v_DealRate1 = r_DealDetails.Rate_Year_1_5; 
  22.      var v_DealRate2 = r_DealDetails.Rate_Year_2_0; 
  23.      var v_DealRate3 = r_DealDetails.Rate_Year_3_0; 
  24.      var v_DealRate4 = r_DealDetails.Rate_Year_4_0; 
  26.      // default setting for alerting user 
  27.      let b_ShowAlertMessage = true
  29.      // specific values based on trigger field 
  30.      if (v_RateCard == 'New Rate Card (Post Aug 22)' && (v_OppType == 'Client'||v_OppType == 'People') && v_CurrencyCode == 'GBP') { 
  32.          // hard-coded values if this criteria met 
  33.          v_DealRate0 = 350
  34.          v_DealRate1 = 390
  35.          v_DealRate2 = 465
  36.          v_DealRate3 = 535
  37.          v_DealRate4 = 590
  38.          b_ShowAlertMessage = false
  40.      } else if (v_RateCard == 'Old Rate Card (Pre Aug 22)' && (v_OppType == 'Client'||v_OppType == 'People') && v_CurrencyCode == 'GBP') { 
  42.          // hard-coded values if this criteria met 
  43.          v_DealRate0 = 345
  44.          v_DealRate1 = 345
  45.          v_DealRate2 = 400
  46.          v_DealRate3 = 475
  47.          v_DealRate4 = 525
  48.          b_ShowAlertMessage = false
  50.      } 
  52.      // show advisory 
  53.      if (b_ShowAlertMessage) { 
  55.          ZDK.Client.showAlert("You have selected a rate without any preset values.  Rates will be taken from the Opportunity record.  If these are blank then enter the rates manually below: Rate Year 1.0, Rate Year 1.5, ...")
  57.      } 
  59.      // update the fields (that were blank on the existing record - but now pulled from Opp or from set values) 
  60.      ZDK.Page.getForm().setValues({ 'Rate_Year_1_0': v_DealRate0 })
  61.      ZDK.Page.getForm().setValues({ 'Rate_Year_1_5': v_DealRate1 })
  62.      ZDK.Page.getForm().setValues({ 'Rate_Year_2_0': v_DealRate2 })
  63.      ZDK.Page.getForm().setValues({ 'Rate_Year_3_0': v_DealRate3 })
  64.      ZDK.Page.getForm().setValues({ 'Rate_Year_4_0': v_DealRate4 })
  67.      // start subform management 
  68.      // ***************************************** 
  70.      // declare the new row and JSON argument 
  71.      var json_Row = new Array()
  72.      var json_Arg = new Object()
  74.      // get some values beforehand which allows us to compare to the rows already present in the subform 
  76.      // first column to add in this row is start date (retrieved from field "Actual Start Date" on this record) 
  77.      var v_StartDateValue = ZDK.Page.getField('Actual_Start_Date').getValue()
  78.      var v_LocalStartDate = new Date(v_StartDateValue)
  79.      // accommodate for timezone offset 
  80.      v_LocalStartDate.setMinutes(v_LocalStartDate.getMinutes() - v_LocalStartDate.getTimezoneOffset())
  81.      // return in yyyy-mm-dd format (on save this will display as per the format on the CRM record) 
  82.      v_StartDateFormatted = v_LocalStartDate.toJSON().slice(0, 10)
  83.      // add this as one argument in the JSON 
  84.      json_Arg.Start_Date = v_StartDateFormatted; 
  86.      // check if end date is specified and if it is then add to this row 
  87.      v_EndDate = null
  88.      v_EndDateValue = ZDK.Page.getField('Actual_Finish_Date').getValue()
  89.      if (v_EndDateValue !== null) { 
  90.          var v_LocalEndDate = new Date(v_EndDateValue)
  91.          v_LocalEndDate.setMinutes(v_LocalEndDate.getMinutes() - v_LocalEndDate.getTimezoneOffset())
  92.          v_EndDateFormatted = v_LocalEndDate.toJSON().slice(0, 10)
  93.          json_Arg.End_Date = v_EndDateFormatted; 
  94.      } 
  96.      // add currency code into column "Agreed Currency" 
  97.      json_Arg.Agreed_Currency = v_CurrencyCode; 
  99.      // the rate values we determine earlier 
  100.      json_Arg.Rate_Year_1_0 = v_DealRate0; 
  101.      json_Arg.Rate_Year_1_5 = v_DealRate1; 
  102.      json_Arg.Rate_Year_2_0 = v_DealRate2; 
  103.      json_Arg.Rate_Year_3_0 = v_DealRate3; 
  104.      json_Arg.Rate_Year_4_0 = v_DealRate4; 
  106.      // get current user to put as the new row owner (other possible values: id, full_name, email) 
  107.      v_CrmUser_FullName = $Crm.user.full_name; 
  108.      json_Arg.Rate_Change_Owner = v_CrmUser_FullName; 
  110.      // other fields to fill in for this subform row 
  111.      v_RateCardDisp = v_RateCard.indexOf((")>0 ? v_RateCard.substring(0, v_RateCard.indexOf((")) : v_RateCard; 
  112.      json_Arg.Rate_Change_Notes = v_RateCardDisp; 
  114.      // get existing subform with only the displayed rows (not been deleted) 
  115.      var l_existingSubformRows = ZDK.Page.getField('Deployment_Rate_Log').getValue()
  117.      // loop through to exclude any rows we don't want based on criteria 
  118.      l_NewSubformRows = new Array()
  119.      for (i = 0; i < l_existingSubformRows.length; i++) { 
  121.          // check row hasn't already been entered, here we are using the start date to determine if this has already been entered 
  122.          v_CheckField1 = l_existingSubformRows[i].Start_Date; 
  123.          var v_LocalCheckDate = new Date(v_CheckField1)
  124.          v_LocalCheckDate.setMinutes(v_LocalCheckDate.getMinutes() - v_LocalCheckDate.getTimezoneOffset())
  125.          v_CheckField1Formatted = v_LocalCheckDate.toJSON().slice(0, 10)
  127.          // if the new row to add matches an existing one but ignoring the end date, then it will omit this to re-add it with an end date. 
  128.          if (v_CheckField1Formatted != v_StartDateFormatted) { 
  129.              l_NewSubformRows.push(l_existingSubformRows[i])
  130.          } 
  131.      } 
  132.      json_Row = l_NewSubformRows; 
  134.      // put the arguments into a single row (json array) 
  135.      json_Row.push(json_Arg)
  137.      // need to stringify AND parse otherwise this won't work 
  138.      var json_Parsed = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json_Row))
  140.      // set new subform rows 
  141.      ZDK.Page.getField('Deployment_Rate_Log').setValue(json_Parsed)
  143.  } 
  145.  // don't save record? 
  146.  return false

  • Using the following line returns all subform rows, even deleted ones, which is why we didn't use this command in the system. But keeping it for future reference.
    var l_existingSubformRows = ZDK.Apps.CRM.Deployment_Rate_Log.fetch();
    1.  var l_existingSubformRows = ZDK.Apps.crm.Deployment_Rate_Log.fetch()

Another example of looping through a subform
In the following snippet of code, we are going to loop through a subform called "Skillset" which has a column called "Skill" which is a lookup to the "Skills" module. This client script is triggered when the user hits the "Save" button (event: onSave) and will stop the user from saving the record and continuing if 3 different skills are not specified in the subform:
// initialize
var v_CalculatedNumberOfSkills = 0;

// get the Opp stage
var v_OppStage = ZDK.Page.getField('Stage').getValue();

// get the Skills subform
var l_SkillsSubform = ZDK.Page.getField('Skillset').getValue();
var l_AlreadyListed = Array();

// loop through subform rows and check if column "Skill" has unique values
for (var i = 0; i < l_SkillsSubform.length; i++) {

    // convert this row to an object
    o_SkillName = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(l_SkillsSubform[i]));

    // check the skill is not blank
    if (o_SkillName.Skill != null) {

        // parse out the name (Skill is a lookup field)
        v_SkillName =;

        // check if skill is not null and has not already been listed
        if (v_SkillName != null && l_AlreadyListed.indexOf(v_SkillName) < 0) {

            // increment
            v_CalculatedNumberOfSkills += 1;

            // add to list of used values



// set the value of No_Skills_Listed field
ZDK.Page.getForm().setValues({ 'No_Skills_Listed': v_CalculatedNumberOfSkills });

// if not 3 or greater then alert the user and prevent the save
if (v_CalculatedNumberOfSkills < 3 && v_OppStage == "Qualified") {
    ZDK.Client.showAlert("Please list at least 3 different skills relevant to the opportunity in the 'Skills' section before progressing.");

    // prevent save of the record
    return false;
  1.  // initialize 
  2.  var v_CalculatedNumberOfSkills = 0
  4.  // get the Opp stage 
  5.  var v_OppStage = ZDK.Page.getField('Stage').getValue()
  7.  // get the Skills subform 
  8.  var l_SkillsSubform = ZDK.Page.getField('Skillset').getValue()
  9.  var l_AlreadyListed = Array()
  11.  // loop through subform rows and check if column "Skill" has unique values 
  12.  for (var i = 0; i < l_SkillsSubform.length; i++) { 
  14.      // convert this row to an object 
  15.      o_SkillName = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(l_SkillsSubform[i]))
  17.      // check the skill is not blank 
  18.      if (o_SkillName.Skill != null) { 
  20.          // parse out the name (Skill is a lookup field) 
  21.          v_SkillName =; 
  23.          // check if skill is not null and has not already been listed 
  24.          if (v_SkillName != null && l_AlreadyListed.indexOf(v_SkillName) < 0) { 
  26.              // increment 
  27.              v_CalculatedNumberOfSkills +1
  29.              // add to list of used values 
  30.              l_AlreadyListed.push(v_SkillName)
  32.          } 
  34.      } 
  36.  } 
  38.  // set the value of No_Skills_Listed field 
  39.  ZDK.Page.getForm().setValues({ 'No_Skills_Listed': v_CalculatedNumberOfSkills })
  41.  // if not 3 or greater then alert the user and prevent the save 
  42.  if (v_CalculatedNumberOfSkills < 3 && v_OppStage == "Qualified") { 
  43.      ZDK.Client.showAlert("Please list at least 3 different skills relevant to the opportunity in the 'Skills' section before progressing.")
  45.      // prevent save of the record 
  46.      return false
  47.  } 

Category: Zoho :: Article: 827

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Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided on this website is intended for informational purposes only and does not represent a warranty. The opinions expressed are those of the author only. We recommend testing any solutions in a development environment before implementing them in production. The articles are based on our good faith efforts and were current at the time of writing, reflecting our practical experience in a commercial setting.

Thank you for visiting and, as always, we hope this website was of some use to you!

Kind Regards,

Joel Lipman

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