Quadcopter App with Flight Restrictions (JQA)

This is an article serving as documentation for my first ever app on the Android Operating System. For tablets and phones. The app in a nutshell displays flight restrictions in a given area

As a quadcopter flier myself, I wanted an app to show me a map of the area I was going to film or fly. I wanted it to display the flight restrictions of the area and any other hazards I might need to take into account. Other apps I found only covered the USA, this one I wrote covers the world and can be added to really easily.

It works by reading the weather data from api.openweathermap.org and the flight restriction details from api.joellipman.com (my own personal website). This allows me to continually add data to the api of my own website without needing to redistribute or update this app.

jqa splash screen
jqa profile screen
jqa help screen
jqa news screen
jqa hangar screen
jqa map screen

For location, type a city name, post code, zip code or any value that is understood by the api.openweathermap.org website. There are plans to shift this to using Google Services as they are more likely to find locations that openweathermap.org cannot.

Add a comma and the two letter country code (preferably "iso-3166-1 alpha-2") to the name if the location of the same name exists in multiple countries of the world.

Zones (circles on map):
Static Zones are created based on a listed airport, airfield, military, private or listed building.
Dynamic Zones are created using data fed for extreme weather conditions, earthquakes (by earthquake.usgs.gov) and at some point temporary flight restrictions.

Currently Listed Zones:
  • Worldwide airports as listed by IATA.org
  • Worldwide airfields for private/commercial use (treated as airports - source: Wikipedia)
  • Known UK military bases (Royal Marines, Royal Navy Air Service, Royal Air Force, Remote Radar Heads)
  • Some "disused" airfields (former military)
  • Specified nuclear power plants
  • Specified historical buildings

  • Yellow: Restricted Area: Avoid flying in this area at all.
  • Red: Prohibited Area: Do NOT fly in this zone at all!
  • Blue: Location Marker: Represents the area you will be flying in.
  • Green: Model Aircraft Club (the only places you're supposed to be flying).
  • Black: Earthquakes & Extreme Weather: To avoid, or search & rescue (note there are laws about getting involved).


Flight regulations are fed from api.joellipman.com and currently default to the principal global rules set out by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and European Air Transport Command (EATC). These are:
  • 400ft altitude limit
  • Line-of-Sight (LoS) required
  • Stay away from built-up areas
Note: There are slightly different regulations for a small unmanned aerial system (less than 20kg) and a small unmanned aerial surveillance system (less than 20kg equipped with a camera).

Regulations different to the UK and US are still being reviewed prior to being added to the database but each country's aviation authority has been added.

Earthquake Feed for the past day: earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/geojsonp/2.5/day

Flight Regulations API v0.9
  • version 0.9: Last Modified 2014-11-05 12:08:42
  • ccTLD is assigned from an entry within searched location (db must return at least 1 zone to know what country it is in - future development will be separate: convert lat/lng to country)
  • rules are currently based on country. Future development will associate these with governing bodies rather.
  • Airports/airfields added: 2014-10-26
  • Military zones lost due to 9 decimal place degrees: 2014-11-05: DB changed to DECIMAL(12,9)
  • World wide stadiums of more than 40,000 capacity added: 2014-11-05
  • City Centres added: 2014-11-06
Flight Regulations API v1.0
  • version 1.0: Last Modified 2014-11-06 19:04
  • Return up to 100 zones
  • Explore area within 0.15 degrees latitude & longitude
  • UK military bases added
  • Australian RAAF bases added
  • Canadian military bases added
  • Chinese military air bases added
  • Known Greek and French air bases added

News Feed
The news feed is a search on Google News for the words "Quadcopter" and "Drones". I use this to keep up-to-date with new legislation and developments on "drones".

Tap once to see a brief description, click on the button to view the full article in your browser.

New to the app I thought it would be really cool if I could change the equipment by virtual means. Tap on any equipment, photo or detail to change it. I have pre-loaded it with my own Quadcopter's details but feel free to change them to match your configuration.
  • Tap on a photo to change it's picture.
  • Tap on equipment photo to change its weight. (A future development will allow you to change name and photo)
  • Tap on the Manufacturer or Model name under "Specification" to change the details (lots of numbers!).
  • Tap on Quick Reference image to change image. (if you have a different led, you can take a picture or use a screenshot
  • Tap on the "Save" icon to save all changes (this also lets you change the name of the aircraft & configuration)
  • Uninstall and re-install app to restore with original data (My DJI Phantom FC40)
Currently you can only have 1 aircraft; but the next version of this app is expected to hold a lot more.

Hangar Tip:
Both the free and paid version of this app are being developed to write to a mounted external SD card so they can share data but for the time being they are on the internal storage (like most apps). If you want to backup the files for the hangar, they are stored in this apps files folder: /sdcard/Android/data/com.joellipman.quadcopterapp/files/hangar/ (For the FREE version they are in: /sdcard/Android/data/com.joellipman.quadcopterappfree/files/hangar/).

Fly Responsibly!
There is a growing concern by government officials regarding multicopters or more specifically their owners and use. Far from what the governments do with their drones, here are some socially beneficial applications I found:
  • Search & Rescue: Earthquake: Drone Adventures: Haiti 2013
  • Search & Rescue: Hurricane Haiyan: Drone Adventures: Philippines 2014
  • Search & Rescue: Night Hawk for Firefighters: Dubai Civil Defence UAE 2014
  • Landmines Detector: CAT UAV Bosnia/Herzegovina 2014
  • Environment: Studying Wildlife: Pygmy Rabbits USA 2014
  • Environment: Deforestation: Crowdsource forest monitoring: Imazon Brazil 2014
  • Agriculture: Livestock Monitoring: Baa Baa Robot UK 2014
  • Corporate: Skyscraper Construction Workers: Coca-Cola Singapore 2014
Check out the News Feed of the app to see a lot more articles.

This app only serves as a reference and not a definitive tool to check flight regulations in your area. The restricted zone data is based on content found in Wikipedia.org.

By using this app you agree to the following:
JoelLipman.com shall not be responsible for any special, incidental, or consequential damages, including but not limited to personal injuries, damage to property, injury to others, including that to life and health, resulting from any application and use of any of JoelLipman.com products. The Purchaser and any Pilot in Command (PIC) assumes full and unlimited responsibility for all applications and uses of any products sold by JoelLipman.com.

JoelLipman.com agents, representatives and employees are to be held harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees actually incurred) on account of death or injury to any person or damage to any property or product arising from or in connection with any products sold or supplied by JoelLipman.com.

This indemnity shall apply without regard to whether the claim, damage, liability or expense is based on breach of contract, breach of warranty, negligence, strict liability, or other tort.

Privacy Policy
What other members know about you:
• If shared, your public name (not unique and only the first name)
• Your selected aircraft (by public name or \"anonymous\")

What joellipman.com stores about you:
• Your login/username (for account management)
• Your password to my website (password reset only)
• Your public name (full Name)
• Your membership type
• Your app preferences
• Any user-specified shared item

What is stored on your device about you:
• Your public name
• Your email address
• Your aircraft details and equipment
• Your photos/pictures
• Your preferences/settings
• A private key to use JoelLipman.com data
Note: You should delete/uninstall this app or clear its data before giving your device to someone else as it can login to your online account automatically.

• Do not share security or personal details.
• By default, every item is private.

Account Management:
Visit www.joellipman.com/account/member-access and login with your username or email and the password you chose when registering for username reminders, password resets, or e-mail changes.

The key stored on the device expires after 30 days and requires you to login again if you have not used this app in that time.

v1.8.x  [25 Nov 2014]
- [1.8.5] Hangar: prepared for aircraft data
- [1.8.5] App: theme adjustments
- [1.8.5] App: compatibility & stability fixes
- [1.8.4] Hangar: factory returns photos as well
- [1.8.4] App: theme and style fixes
- [1.8.4] App: code improvements
- [1.8.3] App: fix to previous fix
- [1.8.3] App: code improvements
- [1.8.2] App: fix theme for certain devices
- [1.8.1] Map: disabled if location services is unavailable 
- [1.8.1] Pilot: prompts to login if email not specified
- [1.8.0] Factory: 7 random aircraft
- [1.8.0] Factory: disabled if offline
- [1.8.0] Pilot: join/login auto-selects email
- [1.8.0] Pilot: profile page with preferences
- [1.8.0] Start: fetches current lat/lng
- [1.8.0] Start: launch section enabled
- [1.8.0] Help: re-categorized law, how-to, ToS
- [1.8.0] News: include search words SUA, RPAs and UAVs
- [1.8.0] News: disabled if offline
- [1.8.0] Map: builds on request
- [1.8.0] Map: disabled if offline
- [1.8.0] Map: moved from app start
- [1.8.0] App: actionbar changed to sidebar
- [1.8.0] App: footer removed
- [1.8.0] App: code optimization
- [1.8.0] App: left sidebar menu 
- [1.8.0] App: interace theme "HighBlue"
- [1.8.0] App: improved navigation
- [1.8.0] App: fluid layout

v1.7.x  [16 Nov 2014]
- [1.7.3] Map: toggle zoom in/out
- [1.7.3] Map: toggle animations
- [1.7.3] Pilot: preferred weight unit (grams / pounds)
- [1.7.3] Pilot: preferred dimension unit (cm / inch)
- [1.7.3] Pilot: preferred distance unit (m+km / ft+mi)
- [1.7.3] Pilot: profile preferences/settings
- [1.7.3] Hangar: backwards compatibility
- [1.7.2] News: Fix for duplicate feeds
- [1.7.1] Hangar: backwards compatibility for this app
- [1.7.0] Map: toggle city centres 
- [1.7.0] Map: toggle map type
- [1.7.0] Map: change blue zone range
- [1.7.0] Map: tap the "located" infotip to scan current
- [1.7.0] Map: tap and Hold anywhere on the map to scan
- [1.7.0] Map: offline redirects to help page
- [1.7.0] Map: interface layout over map
- [1.7.0] Map: latitude/longitude in tooltip data
- [1.7.0] Map: default settings from profile file
- [1.7.0] News: offline redirects to help page
- [1.7.0] Hangar: interactive quick reference image 
- [1.7.0] Hangar: offline can view aircraft #1
- [1.7.0] Hangar: tap on specification text to edit
- [1.7.0] Pilot: login, register, authenticate
- [1.7.0] Pilot: map preferences/settings
- [1.7.0] Help: details on what the app will store and where
- [1.7.0] Help: details on what data is shared with other users
- [1.7.0] Help: details on what joellipman.com stores
- [1.7.0] All: internet connection status

v1.6.x  [5 Nov 2014]
- [1.6.2] Map: return zones within 15km radius (was 111km)
- [1.6.2] Map: return up to 100 zones (was 20)
- [1.6.2] Map: tooltip with categorized zones
- [1.6.2] Map: tooltip scroll on small screens
- [1.6.2] Map: city centres (built-up / congested areas) added
- [1.6.2] Map: worldwide stadiums > 40,000 capacity added
- [1.6.2] Map: worldwide nuclear power plants added
- [1.6.1] Map: display local governing body
- [1.6.1] Map: tooltip for nearby places details 
- [1.6.1] Help: boring stuff moved 
- [1.6.0] News: expand for descriptions
- [1.6.0] Map: tweaks (tap on icons for details)
- [1.6.0] Hangar: section enabled
- [1.6.0] Hangar: tap on aircraft photo to change it
- [1.6.0] Hangar: tap on quick reference photo to change it
- [1.6.0] Hangar: tap on equipment to change weight
- [1.6.0] Hangar: tap on model to edit spec
- [1.6.0] Hangar: save aircraft configuration
- [1.6.0] Map: progress spinner 

v1.5.x  [28 Oct 2014]
- [1.5.2] Map: link android key to google maps API
- [1.5.2] Map: regulations replaced with icons
- [1.5.1] Help: moved about to Help
- [1.5.1] Map: restored blue range
- [1.5.0] Map: tooltip changed to icons 
- [1.5.0] Help: add legislation

v1.4  [27 Oct 2014]
- [1.4.2] Improved compatibility for Android OS 4.4.2
- [1.4.1] Improved compatibility with more devices
- [1.4.1] Ads resized to full width (smart_banner)
- [1.4.0] Map: re-fix locations with spaces

v1.3  [27 Oct 2014]
- [1.3.0] Pilot: fix links in benefits.

v1.2  [27 Oct 2014] 
- [1.2.0] All: reduced size for smartphones
- [1.2.0] Map: Fix OWM API returns country name instead of code
- [1.2.0] Map: city centres

v1.1  [26 Oct 2014]
- [1.1.0] Map: correction to map data key
- [1.1.0] Map: tweak to regulations displayed
- [1.1.0] Map: zone ranges adjusted per legislation
- [1.1.0] News: black to white design

v1.0  [24 Oct 2014]
- [0.8] Released to Google Play Store as version 1.0 

v0.x beta
- [0.8] Pilot: signup button (link to website)
- [0.7] Map: API codes and db requests
- [0.6] Map: database restructure tweaks
- [0.6] Map: add check button
- [0.5] Map: connect to database for zones/restricted area
- [0.4] Map: include wind and weather data 
- [0.3] Help: disclaimer
- [0.2] News: feed from Google.com 
- [0.1] Map: camera animation and tilt 
- [0.1] Map: location search 
- [0.1] Map: tap twice to zoom in
- [0.1] Map: wind and weather data 

In Development:
- Map: specify weather forecasts for a day
- Map: current location response issues
- Map: screenshot for offline use
- Map: enable news feed on HUD
- Map: enable hangar on HUD
- Map: nearest hazard (7 or 30 day)
- Map: toggle airspace borders
- Map: toggle aviation map
- Map: toggle flight routes
- Map: toggle atmosphere (openGL chrome experiment)
- Map: lock map orientation to device compass
- Map: replace map compass
- Map: tap once to start a waypoint
- Map: tap a second time to end waypoint
- Map: drag markers for precision
- Map: horizontal sensor level
- Map: display gallery of screenshots (+offline mode)
- Map: populate nearest cities for lat/lng to more accurate city names
- Map: use map touch listeners
- Map: timeout requests on idle
- News: localized on map (use API)
- News: cache for map (+offline mode)
- News: cache for later reading
- Pilot: view top configurations for best distance/duration
- Pilot: view top rated equipment
- Pilot: rate other configurations (looks and performance)
- Pilot: report a location as restricted or recommended for flying
- Pilot: know a flight club? send us the details.
- Pilot: start stop log notes
- Pilot: talking timer
- Pilot: profile photos need to be admin approved
- Pilot: usernames may be changed by admin if deemed inappropriate
- Pilot: display/public names may be changed by admin 
- Pilot: logged-in mode
- Pilot: post questions
- Pilot: backup app data to cloud
- Pilot: delete/reset profile
- Hangar: configure your own
- Hangar: build your own tutorial [last]
- Hangar: multiple aircrafts and configurations
- Hangar: view cached data on device  (offline mode)
- Hangar: battery last use/recharge date, current voltage/max
- Hangar: share this aircraft data
- Factory: enable section
- Factory: add your own component
- Factory: download equipment data
- Factory: rate equipment / quality
- Factory: view photos (cached for session only)
- Factory: item specification
- Factory: - name, weight, dimensions, power consumption, 
- Factory: - cost, features, photo, modifications, link to buy
- Factory: - configure specification for type aircraft
- Factory: - configure specification for type camera
- Factory: - configure specification for type battery
- Factory: - configure specification for type gimbal
- Factory: - configure specification for type propellers
- Factory: - configure specification for type onboard
- Factory: share database mismatched equipment
- Factory: advanced mode (motors, 
- Help: choose which governing bodies to include
- Help: download for offline use (further countries to be added)
- Help: how to use pilot, hangar and factory
- Help: how to port, share, backup app data
  1.  v1.8.x  [25 Nov 2014] 
  2.  - [1.8.5] Hangar: prepared for aircraft data 
  3.  - [1.8.5] App: theme adjustments 
  4.  - [1.8.5] App: compatibility & stability fixes 
  5.  - [1.8.4] Hangar: factory returns photos as well 
  6.  - [1.8.4] App: theme and style fixes 
  7.  - [1.8.4] App: code improvements 
  8.  - [1.8.3] App: fix to previous fix 
  9.  - [1.8.3] App: code improvements 
  10.  - [1.8.2] App: fix theme for certain devices 
  11.  - [1.8.1] Map: disabled if location services is unavailable 
  12.  - [1.8.1] Pilot: prompts to login if email not specified 
  13.  - [1.8.0] Factory: 7 random aircraft 
  14.  - [1.8.0] Factory: disabled if offline 
  15.  - [1.8.0] Pilot: join/login auto-selects email 
  16.  - [1.8.0] Pilot: profile page with preferences 
  17.  - [1.8.0] Start: fetches current lat/lng 
  18.  - [1.8.0] Start: launch section enabled 
  19.  - [1.8.0] Help: re-categorized law, how-to, ToS 
  20.  - [1.8.0] News: include search words SUA, RPAs and UAVs 
  21.  - [1.8.0] News: disabled if offline 
  22.  - [1.8.0] Map: builds on request 
  23.  - [1.8.0] Map: disabled if offline 
  24.  - [1.8.0] Map: moved from app start 
  25.  - [1.8.0] App: actionbar changed to sidebar 
  26.  - [1.8.0] App: footer removed 
  27.  - [1.8.0] App: code optimization 
  28.  - [1.8.0] App: left sidebar menu 
  29.  - [1.8.0] App: interace theme "HighBlue" 
  30.  - [1.8.0] App: improved navigation 
  31.  - [1.8.0] App: fluid layout 
  33.  v1.7.x  [16 Nov 2014] 
  34.  - [1.7.3] Map: toggle zoom in/out 
  35.  - [1.7.3] Map: toggle animations 
  36.  - [1.7.3] Pilot: preferred weight unit (grams / pounds) 
  37.  - [1.7.3] Pilot: preferred dimension unit (cm / inch) 
  38.  - [1.7.3] Pilot: preferred distance unit (m+km / ft+mi) 
  39.  - [1.7.3] Pilot: profile preferences/settings 
  40.  - [1.7.3] Hangar: backwards compatibility 
  41.  - [1.7.2] News: Fix for duplicate feeds 
  42.  - [1.7.1] Hangar: backwards compatibility for this app 
  43.  - [1.7.0] Map: toggle city centres 
  44.  - [1.7.0] Map: toggle map type 
  45.  - [1.7.0] Map: change blue zone range 
  46.  - [1.7.0] Map: tap the "located" infotip to scan current 
  47.  - [1.7.0] Map: tap and Hold anywhere on the map to scan 
  48.  - [1.7.0] Map: offline redirects to help page 
  49.  - [1.7.0] Map: interface layout over map 
  50.  - [1.7.0] Map: latitude/longitude in tooltip data 
  51.  - [1.7.0] Map: default settings from profile file 
  52.  - [1.7.0] News: offline redirects to help page 
  53.  - [1.7.0] Hangar: interactive quick reference image 
  54.  - [1.7.0] Hangar: offline can view aircraft #1 
  55.  - [1.7.0] Hangar: tap on specification text to edit 
  56.  - [1.7.0] Pilot: login, register, authenticate 
  57.  - [1.7.0] Pilot: map preferences/settings 
  58.  - [1.7.0] Help: details on what the app will store and where 
  59.  - [1.7.0] Help: details on what data is shared with other users 
  60.  - [1.7.0] Help: details on what joellipman.com stores 
  61.  - [1.7.0] All: internet connection status 
  63.  v1.6.x  [5 Nov 2014] 
  64.  - [1.6.2] Map: return zones within 15km radius (was 111km) 
  65.  - [1.6.2] Map: return up to 100 zones (was 20) 
  66.  - [1.6.2] Map: tooltip with categorized zones 
  67.  - [1.6.2] Map: tooltip scroll on small screens 
  68.  - [1.6.2] Map: city centres (built-up / congested areas) added 
  69.  - [1.6.2] Map: worldwide stadiums > 40,000 capacity added 
  70.  - [1.6.2] Map: worldwide nuclear power plants added 
  71.  - [1.6.1] Map: display local governing body 
  72.  - [1.6.1] Map: tooltip for nearby places details 
  73.  - [1.6.1] Help: boring stuff moved 
  74.  - [1.6.0] News: expand for descriptions 
  75.  - [1.6.0] Map: tweaks (tap on icons for details) 
  76.  - [1.6.0] Hangar: section enabled 
  77.  - [1.6.0] Hangar: tap on aircraft photo to change it 
  78.  - [1.6.0] Hangar: tap on quick reference photo to change it 
  79.  - [1.6.0] Hangar: tap on equipment to change weight 
  80.  - [1.6.0] Hangar: tap on model to edit spec 
  81.  - [1.6.0] Hangar: save aircraft configuration 
  82.  - [1.6.0] Map: progress spinner 
  84.  v1.5.x  [28 Oct 2014] 
  85.  - [1.5.2] Map: link android key to google maps API 
  86.  - [1.5.2] Map: regulations replaced with icons 
  87.  - [1.5.1] Help: moved about to Help 
  88.  - [1.5.1] Map: restored blue range 
  89.  - [1.5.0] Map: tooltip changed to icons 
  90.  - [1.5.0] Help: add legislation 
  93.  v1.4  [27 Oct 2014] 
  94.  - [1.4.2] Improved compatibility for Android OS 4.4.2 
  95.  - [1.4.1] Improved compatibility with more devices 
  96.  - [1.4.1] Ads resized to full width (smart_banner) 
  97.  - [1.4.0] Map: re-fix locations with spaces 
  99.  v1.3  [27 Oct 2014] 
  100.  - [1.3.0] Pilot: fix links in benefits. 
  102.  v1.2  [27 Oct 2014] 
  103.  - [1.2.0] All: reduced size for smartphones 
  104.  - [1.2.0] Map: Fix OWM API returns country name instead of code 
  105.  - [1.2.0] Map: city centres 
  107.  v1.1  [26 Oct 2014] 
  108.  - [1.1.0] Map: correction to map data key 
  109.  - [1.1.0] Map: tweak to regulations displayed 
  110.  - [1.1.0] Map: zone ranges adjusted per legislation 
  111.  - [1.1.0] News: black to white design 
  113.  v1.0  [24 Oct 2014] 
  114.  - [0.8] Released to Google Play Store as version 1.0 
  116.  v0.x beta 
  117.  - [0.8] Pilot: signup button (link to website) 
  118.  - [0.7] Map: API codes and db requests 
  119.  - [0.6] Map: database restructure tweaks 
  120.  - [0.6] Map: add check button 
  121.  - [0.5] Map: connect to database for zones/restricted area 
  122.  - [0.4] Map: include wind and weather data 
  123.  - [0.3] Help: disclaimer 
  124.  - [0.2] News: feed from Google.com 
  125.  - [0.1] Map: camera animation and tilt 
  126.  - [0.1] Map: location search 
  127.  - [0.1] Map: tap twice to zoom in 
  128.  - [0.1] Map: wind and weather data 
  130.  v??? 
  131.  In Development: 
  132.  - Map: specify weather forecasts for a day 
  133.  - Map: current location response issues 
  134.  - Map: screenshot for offline use 
  135.  - Map: enable news feed on HUD 
  136.  - Map: enable hangar on HUD 
  137.  - Map: nearest hazard (7 or 30 day) 
  138.  - Map: toggle airspace borders 
  139.  - Map: toggle aviation map 
  140.  - Map: toggle flight routes 
  141.  - Map: toggle atmosphere (openGL chrome experiment) 
  142.  - Map: lock map orientation to device compass 
  143.  - Map: replace map compass 
  144.  - Map: tap once to start a waypoint 
  145.  - Map: tap a second time to end waypoint 
  146.  - Map: drag markers for precision 
  147.  - Map: horizontal sensor level 
  148.  - Map: display gallery of screenshots (+offline mode) 
  149.  - Map: populate nearest cities for lat/lng to more accurate city names 
  150.  - Map: use map touch listeners 
  151.  - Map: timeout requests on idle 
  152.  - News: localized on map (use API) 
  153.  - News: cache for map (+offline mode) 
  154.  - News: cache for later reading 
  155.  - Pilot: view top configurations for best distance/duration 
  156.  - Pilot: view top rated equipment 
  157.  - Pilot: rate other configurations (looks and performance) 
  158.  - Pilot: report a location as restricted or recommended for flying 
  159.  - Pilot: know a flight club? send us the details. 
  160.  - Pilot: start stop log notes 
  161.  - Pilot: talking timer 
  162.  - Pilot: profile photos need to be admin approved 
  163.  - Pilot: usernames may be changed by admin if deemed inappropriate 
  164.  - Pilot: display/public names may be changed by admin 
  165.  - Pilot: logged-in mode 
  166.  - Pilot: post questions 
  167.  - Pilot: backup app data to cloud 
  168.  - Pilot: delete/reset profile 
  169.  - Hangar: configure your own 
  170.  - Hangar: build your own tutorial [last] 
  171.  - Hangar: multiple aircrafts and configurations 
  172.  - Hangar: view cached data on device  (offline mode) 
  173.  - Hangar: battery last use/recharge date, current voltage/max 
  174.  - Hangar: share this aircraft data 
  175.  - Factory: enable section 
  176.  - Factory: add your own component 
  177.  - Factory: download equipment data 
  178.  - Factory: rate equipment / quality 
  179.  - Factory: view photos (cached for session only) 
  180.  - Factory: item specification 
  181.  - Factory: - name, weight, dimensions, power consumption, 
  182.  - Factory: - cost, features, photo, modifications, link to buy 
  183.  - Factory: - configure specification for type aircraft 
  184.  - Factory: - configure specification for type camera 
  185.  - Factory: - configure specification for type battery 
  186.  - Factory: - configure specification for type gimbal 
  187.  - Factory: - configure specification for type propellers 
  188.  - Factory: - configure specification for type onboard 
  189.  - Factory: share database mismatched equipment 
  190.  - Factory: advanced mode (motors, 
  191.  - Help: choose which governing bodies to include 
  192.  - Help: download for offline use (further countries to be added) 
  193.  - Help: how to use pilot, hangar and factory 
  194.  - Help: how to port, share, backup app data 
Category: Product Documentation :: Article: 589

Joes Revolver Map

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