Just wanted a note to get in my head the logic if checking a requested time slot isn't a double-booking (as in, the time slot doesn't overlap a previous booking.
Given a date/time and a duration, we will work out the requested start and end time:
req_StartTime = input.Date_Field; req_Duration = 90; bool_doubleBooked=false; for each thisRecord in allRecords { thisRecord_StartTime = thisRecord.req_StartTime ; thisRecord_EndTime = thisRecord.req_StartTime.addMinutes(req_Duration); if(v_StartDate = thisRecord_StartTime)||(v_StartDate = thisRecord_EndTime) { doubleBooked=true; } }
- req_StartTime = input.Date_Field;
- req_Duration = 90;
- bool_doubleBooked=false;
- for each thisRecord in allRecords
- {
- thisRecord_StartTime = thisRecord.req_StartTime ;
- thisRecord_EndTime = thisRecord.req_StartTime.addMinutes(req_Duration);
- if(v_StartDate = thisRecord_StartTime)||(v_StartDate = thisRecord_EndTime)
- {
- doubleBooked=true;
- }
- }