Ok I admit I only googled for about 1 hour before I gave up and just wrote my own. Saying that it's taken me 4 hours just to do the below... hopefully it will be quicker next time now that I noted it all down.
The SQL Script:
DECLARE @StartTime datetime, @EndTime datetime, @GivenDate datetime; SET DATEFORMAT dmy; SET @GivenDate = '23/03/2011'; --First slot of the day SET @StartTime = @GivenDate + ' 08:00:00'; --Last slot of the day (30 minutes before the end) SET @EndTime = @GivenDate + ' 17:30:00'; ; WITH Times([Time]) AS ( --Select First hour in range SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME,@StartTime) AS [Time] UNION ALL --Add a record for every half-hour in the range (change based on slot times) SELECT DATEADD(MI, 30, [Time]) FROM Times WHERE Time < CONVERT(DATETIME,@EndTime) ), Events AS ( --Create some events to place on the calendar SELECT Room='TEST1', EventStart = '15:00:00', EventFinish='16:00:00', Status = '2', Tooltip='Some more details' UNION SELECT Room='TEST2', EventDate = '11:00:00', EventFinish='12:30:00', Status = '2', Tooltip='Some more details' ) SELECT * FROM Times t LEFT OUTER JOIN Events e ON CONVERT(VARCHAR(8) , t.Time, 108) BETWEEN e.EventStart AND DATEADD(minute, -1, e.EventFinish) --Set the maximum times the Dates cte can recurse OPTION (MAXRECURSION 100)
- @StartTime datetime,
- @EndTime datetime,
- @GivenDate datetime;
- SET @GivenDate = '23/03/2011';
- --First slot of the day
- SET @StartTime = @GivenDate + ' 08:00:00';
- --Last slot of the day (30 minutes before the end)
- SET @EndTime = @GivenDate + ' 17:30:00';
- ; WITH Times([Time]) AS (
- --Select First hour in range
- --Add a record for every half-hour in the range (change based on slot times)
- ), Events AS (
- --Create some events to place on the calendar
- SELECT Room='TEST1', EventStart = '15:00:00', EventFinish='16:00:00', Status = '2', Tooltip='Some more details'
- UNION SELECT Room='TEST2', EventDate = '11:00:00', EventFinish='12:30:00', Status = '2', Tooltip='Some more details'
- )
- SELECT * FROM Times t
- LEFT OUTER JOIN Events e ON CONVERT(VARCHAR(8) , t.Time, 108) BETWEEN e.EventStart AND DATEADD(minute, -1, e.EventFinish)
- --Set the maximum times the Dates cte can recurse
1. Create a new report:
We're going to run the wizard here but without it just add a matrix with [time] in the "column" and [room] in the "row" and [note/status] in the "data" cells.
2. Use the SQL code above:
So you can paste this straight into the textarea or use "Query Builder".
3. Select Matrix Tablix:
We want all rooms on the left and the time along the top. We select a matrix because this will automatically group the rows by room (you need to do this anyway otherwise it will look a bit like a staircase of bricks).
4. Design the Matrix:
In other words, put where all the values are going to go. [Time] into "Columns", [Room] into "Rows", and [Status] into "Details".
5. Save and close the report wizard
Pretty much there you should have the following
6. Preview the report
Ta daa! Ok it needs a lot more work in terms of design but the functionality is there.
Adding Events
Again I've put two rooms as examples in the above script. The "Events" table needs as a minimum the 4 fields "Room", "EventStart", "EventFinish", and "Status" ("Tooltip" was for me so that when the user hovers the mouse over the block it will display the details).I've used a UNION clause which will hopefully make all rooms (even empty ones) display. Note the second select statement (to list all the rooms) has to have the same number of fields as the first statement.
This is the final script for the events table (DO NOT USE THE BELOW: this works for me and the timetabling system I have, you need to adjust how you get the values from your events database). First get the events from your database and then get the rooms:
), Events AS ( --Create some events to place on the calendar SELECT tt.[RoomId] Room, tt.[StartTime] EventStart', tt.[FinishTime] EventFinish, CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), tt.[Status]) AS Status, 'Details and other information' AS Tooltip FROM [SLOTDETAILS] sd INNER JOIN [TIMETABLE] tt ON tt.[SlotId] = sd.[SlotId] and tt.[SetId] = sd.[SetId] INNER JOIN [CONTACT] c ON c.[ContactId] = sd.[Contact] and c.[SetId] = sd.[SetId] INNER JOIN [WEEKMAPNUMERIC] wm ON (wm.[SetId] = tt.[SetId] and wm.[WeekId] = tt.[WeekId]) WHERE sd.[SetId] = @setId AND dateadd(d, tt.[WeekDay] - 1, @baseDate) = @GivenDate AND wm.[WeekNumber] = @weekNumber AND tt.[SiteId] = @siteId AND upper(sd.[Descrip]) not like 'ADDITIONAL TIMETABLE%' --Cycle through all possible rooms and include these in the calendar UNION SELECT rms.RoomId AS Room, CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), @StartTime, 108) AS EventStart, CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), @StartTime, 108) AS EventFinish, '' AS Status, '' AS Tooltip FROM [ROOMS] rms WHERE rms.SiteId=@siteId AND rms.SetId=@setId )
- ), Events AS (
- --Create some events to place on the calendar
- tt.[RoomId] Room,
- tt.[StartTime] EventStart',
- tt.[FinishTime] EventFinish,
- CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), tt.[Status]) AS Status,
- 'Details and other information' AS Tooltip
- ON tt.[SlotId] = sd.[SlotId] and tt.[SetId] = sd.[SetId]
- ON c.[ContactId] = sd.[Contact] and c.[SetId] = sd.[SetId]
- ON (wm.[SetId] = tt.[SetId] and wm.[WeekId] = tt.[WeekId])
- WHERE sd.[SetId] = @setId
- AND dateadd(d, tt.[WeekDay] - 1, @baseDate) = @GivenDate
- AND wm.[WeekNumber] = @weekNumber
- AND tt.[SiteId] = @siteId
- AND upper(sd.[Descrip]) not like 'ADDITIONAL TIMETABLE%'
- --Cycle through all possible rooms and include these in the calendar
- rms.RoomId AS Room,
- CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), @StartTime, 108) AS EventStart,
- CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), @StartTime, 108) AS EventFinish,
- '' AS Status,
- '' AS Tooltip
- FROM [ROOMS] rms
- rms.SiteId=@siteId
- rms.SetId=@setId
- )
Time Room EventStart EventFinish Status ----------------------- ------------- ---------- ----------- ----------- 2011-03-23 08:00:00.000 Test1 Room 08:00:00 08:00:00 2011-03-23 08:00:00.000 Test2 Room 08:00:00 09:30:00 2
- Time Room EventStart EventFinish Status
- ----------------------- ------------- ---------- ----------- -----------
- 2011-03-23 08:00:00.000 Test1 Room 08:00:00 08:00:00
- 2011-03-23 08:00:00.000 Test2 Room 08:00:00 09:30:00 2
- Separate the field @GivenDate off into an SSRS parameter (note do not declare it in the SQL code if using as a parameter).
- You could in the SQL above change the start time (note the end time if you want the end of the day should be "23:30:00" if you have 30 minute slots).
- Set the columns to stay at the top of the screen (scrolls with you) and left-most column to always be visible.
- Set StartTime to the minimum possible time on that day. Do the same for EndTime but set it to the maximum time (adds a lot of load)
- If you are using working hours boolean you could do:copyraw
IF @DisplayHours = 1 BEGIN --First hour of the day SET @StartTime = @GivenDate + ' 08:00:00'; --Last hour of the day SET @EndTime = @GivenDate + ' 17:30:00'; --First time of the day (required to display empty rooms) END ELSE BEGIN --First hour of the day SET @StartTime = @GivenDate + ' 00:00:00'; --Last hour of the day SET @EndTime = @GivenDate + ' 23:30:00'; --First time of the day (required to display empty rooms) END
- IF @DisplayHours = 1
- --First hour of the day
- SET @StartTime = @GivenDate + ' 08:00:00';
- --Last hour of the day
- SET @EndTime = @GivenDate + ' 17:30:00';
- --First time of the day (required to display empty rooms)
- --First hour of the day
- SET @StartTime = @GivenDate + ' 00:00:00';
- --Last hour of the day
- SET @EndTime = @GivenDate + ' 23:30:00';
- --First time of the day (required to display empty rooms)
- Add check to SQL to remove rooms with no name.
- Show hour in top column only on the hour copyraw
=IIF(MINUTE(Fields!Time.Value)=30, "", Fields!Time.Value)
- =IIF(MINUTE(Fields!Time.Value)=30, "", Fields!Time.Value)
- Make the object in the cell a block (which I made big and then didn't allow cell to increase/decrease height). This way when it's printed out (backgrounds won't print by default) the occupied blocks will show up.
=Switch(Fields!Status.Value="", "#ffffff", Fields!Status.Value="2", "firebrick", Fields!Status.Value="-1", "#999999")
- =Switch(Fields!Status.Value="", "#ffffff", Fields!Status.Value="2", "firebrick", Fields!Status.Value="-1", "#999999")
One I did earlier: Design
One I did earlier: Preview
I have since made the vertical lines white and the top borders a lighter shade to make a sort of bevel effect.