This is an article to document how to get your team folder ID, retrieve information about it, and upload to it via the API.
The documentation is there but making sense of it, is somewhat difficult, at least for me.
So when I was trying this, I would get either "URL rule not configured" or an unhelpful blank response.
Getting the folder ID
This applies to if you click on "My Folders" and then checking the URL{dunno_id}/privatespace/folders/{folder_id}
Getting the teamfolder ID:
Access the folder in workdrive and check the URL:{dunno_id}/teams/{dunno_id}/ws/{team_folder_id}/folders/files
Getting the team folder information
Use the team_folder_ID or if it is a subfolder, then use the team_subfolder_id Ensure the scope for your connection includes WorkDrive.teamfolders.READ and note that header has to be added otherwise you get a blank response:
m_Header = Map(); m_Header.put("Accept","application/vnd.api+json"); v_Endpoint = "{team_folder_id}/folders"; r_TeamFolderInfo = invokeurl [ url :v_Endpoint type :GET headers:m_Header connection:"my_workdrive_connection" ]; info r_TeamFolderInfo;
- m_Header = Map();
- m_Header.put("Accept","application/vnd.api+json");
- v_Endpoint = "{team_folder_id}/folders";
- r_TeamFolderInfo = invokeUrl
- [
- url :v_Endpoint
- type :GET
- headers:m_Header
- connection:"my_workdrive_connection"
- ];
- info r_TeamFolderInfo;
The one to rule them all
// ====================== // get folder information //{dunno_id}/teams/{dunno_id}/ws/{team_folder_id}/folders/files m_Header = Map(); m_Header.put("Accept","application/vnd.api+json"); v_Endpoint = "{team_folder_id}/folders"; r_TeamFolderInfo = invokeurl [ url :v_Endpoint type :GET headers:m_Header connection:"my_workdrive_connection" ]; //info r_TeamFolderInfo; // // ====================== // get list of subfolders by name (creates a timestamped duplicate if exists so need to check if it exists first) //{dunno_id}/teams/{dunno_id}/ws/{parent_id}/folders/files m_SubfolderNames = Map(); r_Subfolders = invokeurl [ url :"{parent_id}/folders?page%5Blimit%5D=50&page%5Boffset%5D=0" type :GET headers:m_Header connection:"my_workdrive_connection" ]; if(!isNull(r_Subfolders.get("data"))) { for each m_Subfolder in r_Subfolders.get("data") { if(!isNull(m_Subfolder.get("attributes"))) { m_SubfolderNames.put(m_Subfolder.get("attributes").get("name"), m_Subfolder.get("id")); } } } // info r_Subfolders; // info m_SubfolderNames; // // ====================== // create sub folder v_ParentFolderID = "{parent_id}"; v_WorkdriveFolderID = ""; v_WorkingFolderName = zoho.currentdate.toString("yyyy"); if(!m_SubfolderNames.keys().contains(v_WorkingFolderName)) { m_Attr = Map(); m_Attr.put("name", v_WorkingFolderName); m_Attr.put("parent_id", v_ParentFolderID); // m_Params = Map(); m_Params.put("attributes", m_Attr); m_Params.put("type", "files"); // m_Data = Map(); m_Data.put("data", m_Params); r_WorkdriveFolder = invokeurl [ url :"" type :POST parameters:m_Data.toString() headers:m_Header connection:"my_workdrive_connection" ]; if(!isNull(r_WorkdriveFolder.get("id"))) { v_WorkdriveFolderID = r_WorkdriveFolder.get("id"); // // ====================== // share folder to members woh can access it (read-only) // // list of recipients l_WorkdriveRecipients = {"This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.","This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it."}; // for each v_RecipientEmail in l_WorkdriveRecipients { m_Header = Map(); m_Header.put("Accept","application/vnd.api+json"); m_Attributes = Map(); m_Attributes.put("resource_id",v_WorkdriveFolderID); m_Attributes.put("shared_type","workspace"); m_Attributes.put("email_id",v_RecipientEmail); // role id 34 is view only on the file (see below for further permissions) m_Attributes.put("role_id",34); m_Data = Map(); m_Data.put("attributes", m_Attributes); m_Data.put("type", "members"); m_Params = Map(); m_Params.put("data",m_Data); // r_WorkdriveMembers = invokeurl [ url :"" type :POST parameters:m_Params.toString() headers:m_Header connection:"my_workdrive_connection" ]; info "Workdrive Member Added: " + v_RecipientEmail; } } info r_WorkdriveFolder; } else { v_WorkdriveFolderID = m_SubfolderNames.get(v_WorkingFolderName); } // ====================== // upload the file to this folder if(v_WorkdriveFolderID != "") { v_PermaLink = ""; // // generate a test CSV v_NewLineChar = hextoText("0A"); l_Csv_File = {"Header1,Header2","Row1_Data1,Row1_Data2","Row2_Data1,Row2_Data2"}; v_UploadFilename = " Test Upload " + zoho.currenttime.toString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm") + ".csv"; f_UploadCsvFile = l_Csv_File.toString(v_NewLineChar).toFile(v_UploadFilename); // // upload the file r_UploadResponse = zoho.workdrive.uploadFile(f_UploadCsvFile,v_WorkdriveFolderID,v_UploadFilename,FALSE,"my_workdrive_connection"); if(!isNull(r_UploadResponse.get("data"))) { // looping but only have 1 upload so getting permalink for this upload for each m_ThisData in r_UploadResponse.get("data") { if(!isNull(m_ThisData.get("attributes"))) { if(!isNull(m_ThisData.get("attributes").get("Permalink"))) { v_PermaLink = m_ThisData.get("attributes").get("Permalink"); } } } } } // ==================================== // send an email with the permalink v_Subject = "Data for Export w/c: " + zoho.currentdate.toStartOfWeek().toString("yyyy-MM-dd"); v_Message = "To he who shall not be named,<br /><br /><b>Re: " + v_Subject + "</b><br /><br />Please find attached the CSV export file containing the Data. "; // if(!isBlank(v_PermaLink)) { v_Message = v_Message + "<br/>The export file has been uploaded to the workdrive. The direct link to the file is <a href=\"" + v_PermaLink + "\">" + v_UploadFilename + "</a>. <br/>"; } // v_Message = v_Message + "This file is ready for importing into the system.<br /><br />Kind Regards,<br /><br />The Development Team."; // // list of recipients l_RecipientsEmails = {"This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.","This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it."}; // // send email sendmail [ from :zoho.adminuserid to :l_RecipientsEmails subject :v_Subject message :v_Message ]
- // ======================
- // get folder information
- //{dunno_id}/teams/{dunno_id}/ws/{team_folder_id}/folders/files
- m_Header = Map();
- m_Header.put("Accept","application/vnd.api+json");
- v_Endpoint = "{team_folder_id}/folders";
- r_TeamFolderInfo = invokeUrl
- [
- url :v_Endpoint
- type :GET
- headers:m_Header
- connection:"my_workdrive_connection"
- ];
- //info r_TeamFolderInfo;
- //
- // ======================
- // get list of subfolders by name (creates a timestamped duplicate if exists so need to check if it exists first)
- //{dunno_id}/teams/{dunno_id}/ws/{parent_id}/folders/files
- m_SubfolderNames = Map();
- r_Subfolders = invokeUrl
- [
- url :"{parent_id}/folders?page%5Blimit%5D=50&page%5Boffset%5D=0"
- type :GET
- headers:m_Header
- connection:"my_workdrive_connection"
- ];
- if(!isNull(r_Subfolders.get("data")))
- {
- for each m_Subfolder in r_Subfolders.get("data")
- {
- if(!isNull(m_Subfolder.get("attributes")))
- {
- m_SubfolderNames.put(m_Subfolder.get("attributes").get("name"), m_Subfolder.get("id"));
- }
- }
- }
- // info r_Subfolders;
- // info m_SubfolderNames;
- //
- // ======================
- // create sub folder
- v_ParentFolderID = "{parent_id}";
- v_WorkdriveFolderID = "";
- v_WorkingFolderName = zoho.currentdate.toString("yyyy");
- if(!m_SubfolderNames.keys().contains(v_WorkingFolderName))
- {
- m_Attr = Map();
- m_Attr.put("name", v_WorkingFolderName);
- m_Attr.put("parent_id", v_ParentFolderID);
- //
- m_Params = Map();
- m_Params.put("attributes", m_Attr);
- m_Params.put("type", "files");
- //
- m_Data = Map();
- m_Data.put("data", m_Params);
- r_WorkdriveFolder = invokeUrl
- [
- url :""
- type :POST
- parameters:m_Data.toString()
- headers:m_Header
- connection:"my_workdrive_connection"
- ];
- if(!isNull(r_WorkdriveFolder.get("id")))
- {
- v_WorkdriveFolderID = r_WorkdriveFolder.get("id");
- //
- // ======================
- // share folder to members woh can access it (read-only)
- //
- // list of recipients
- l_WorkdriveRecipients = {"This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.","This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it."};
- //
- for each v_RecipientEmail in l_WorkdriveRecipients
- {
- m_Header = Map();
- m_Header.put("Accept","application/vnd.api+json");
- m_Attributes = Map();
- m_Attributes.put("resource_id",v_WorkdriveFolderID);
- m_Attributes.put("shared_type","workspace");
- m_Attributes.put("email_id",v_RecipientEmail);
- // role id 34 is view only on the file (see below for further permissions)
- m_Attributes.put("role_id",34);
- m_Data = Map();
- m_Data.put("attributes", m_Attributes);
- m_Data.put("type", "members");
- m_Params = Map();
- m_Params.put("data",m_Data);
- //
- r_WorkdriveMembers = invokeUrl
- [
- url :""
- type :POST
- parameters:m_Params.toString()
- headers:m_Header
- connection:"my_workdrive_connection"
- ];
- info "Workdrive Member Added: " + v_RecipientEmail;
- }
- }
- info r_WorkdriveFolder;
- }
- else
- {
- v_WorkdriveFolderID = m_SubfolderNames.get(v_WorkingFolderName);
- }
- // ======================
- // upload the file to this folder
- if(v_WorkdriveFolderID != "")
- {
- v_PermaLink = "";
- //
- // generate a test CSV
- v_NewLineChar = hextoText("0A");
- l_Csv_File = {"Header1,Header2","Row1_Data1,Row1_Data2","Row2_Data1,Row2_Data2"};
- v_UploadFilename = " Test Upload " + zoho.currenttime.toString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm") + ".csv";
- f_UploadCsvFile = l_Csv_File.toString(v_NewLineChar).toFile(v_UploadFilename);
- //
- // upload the file
- r_UploadResponse = zoho.workdrive.uploadFile(f_UploadCsvFile,v_WorkdriveFolderID,v_UploadFilename,FALSE,"my_workdrive_connection");
- if(!isNull(r_UploadResponse.get("data")))
- {
- // looping but only have 1 upload so getting permalink for this upload
- for each m_ThisData in r_UploadResponse.get("data")
- {
- if(!isNull(m_ThisData.get("attributes")))
- {
- if(!isNull(m_ThisData.get("attributes").get("Permalink")))
- {
- v_PermaLink = m_ThisData.get("attributes").get("Permalink");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // ====================================
- // send an email with the permalink
- v_Subject = "Data for Export w/c: " + zoho.currentdate.toStartOfWeek().toString("yyyy-MM-dd");
- v_Message = "To he who shall not be named,<br /><br /><b>Re: " + v_Subject + "</b><br /><br />Please find attached the CSV export file containing the Data. ";
- //
- if(!isBlank(v_PermaLink))
- {
- v_Message = v_Message + "<br/>The export file has been uploaded to the workdrive. The direct link to the file is <a href=\"" + v_PermaLink + "\">" + v_UploadFilename + "</a>. <br/>";
- }
- //
- v_Message = v_Message + "This file is ready for importing into the system.<br /><br />Kind Regards,<br /><br />The Development Team.";
- //
- // list of recipients
- l_RecipientsEmails = {"This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.","This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it."};
- //
- // send email
- sendmail
- [
- from :zoho.adminuserid
- to :l_RecipientsEmails
- subject :v_Subject
- message :v_Message
- ]
Additional Note(s):
Allowed role IDs for files: 34 - View 5 - Edit 4 - Share 6 - View and comment 33 - View and fill Allowed role IDs for folders: 6 - View 5 - Edit 3 - Organize 7 - Upload
- Allowed role IDs for files:
- 34 - View
- 5 - Edit
- 4 - Share
- 6 - View and comment
- 33 - View and fill
- Allowed role IDs for folders:
- 6 - View
- 5 - Edit
- 3 - Organize
- 7 - Upload
Error(s) Encountered:
When updating members to a workdrive, I was getting errors such as
- 2945 Invalid JSON
- 2945 Invalid JSON
for each v_RecipientEmail in l_WorkdriveRecipients { m_Header = Map(); m_Header.put("Accept","application/vnd.api+json"); m_Attributes = Map(); m_Attributes.put("resource_id",v_WorkdriveFolderID); m_Attributes.put("shared_type","workspace"); m_Attributes.put("email_id",v_RecipientEmail); m_Attributes.put("role_id",34); m_Data = Map(); m_Data.put("attributes", m_Attributes); m_Data.put("type", "members"); m_Params = Map(); m_Params.put("data",m_Data); // r_WorkdriveMembers = invokeurl [ url :"" type :POST parameters:m_Params.toString() headers:m_Header connection:"ab_workdrive" ]; info "Workdrive Member Added: " + v_RecipientEmail; }
- for each v_RecipientEmail in l_WorkdriveRecipients
- {
- m_Header = Map();
- m_Header.put("Accept","application/vnd.api+json");
- m_Attributes = Map();
- m_Attributes.put("resource_id",v_WorkdriveFolderID);
- m_Attributes.put("shared_type","workspace");
- m_Attributes.put("email_id",v_RecipientEmail);
- m_Attributes.put("role_id",34);
- m_Data = Map();
- m_Data.put("attributes", m_Attributes);
- m_Data.put("type", "members");
- m_Params = Map();
- m_Params.put("data",m_Data);
- //
- r_WorkdriveMembers = invokeUrl
- [
- url :""
- type :POST
- parameters:m_Params.toString()
- headers:m_Header
- connection:"ab_workdrive"
- ];
- info "Workdrive Member Added: " + v_RecipientEmail;
- }