Zoho Creator: Input Color Picker

Zoho Creator: Input Color Picker

An article on creating a color picker from a specific palette using an input field of a radio type.

At the time of print, this feature is not provided out-of-the-box and getting our users to learn about hexadecimal color references and Red Green Blue (RGB) values is somewhat difficult. What would be nice-to-have is if they could be presented with a bunch of colors and they click on one to select it.

Zoho Creator: Input Color Picker: the Button

When are colors used? Well in this use-case, we are using it to color events in a calendar associated with specific staff. Probably not the most essential part of a system but important to some staff...

In an earlier article, I've shown how to change a radio type field in ZohoCreator into a Carousel type of interface. This time, we're going to repurpose and restyle a radio type field into a color picker.

Pre-amble: Create a Zoho Creator form
  1. Create a form, I'm calling mine "Color Picker"
  2. Add a note field, I've given it the field link name "Note_ColorPicker_Css"
  3. Add a radio field type, I've called it "Color Picker"
  4. Add a single line text field, I'm calling it "Hexadecimal" [Key field that will be used by the application later - so perhaps rename this to 'Staff Color']
  5. Add another single line field, I'm calling it "RGB Value" [Optional: not required for the functionality of this demo but used in later application when including CSS opacity]
Zoho Creator: Input Color Picker: the Form

Step 1: Code to complete the radio options
This is the code when loading the form: Created or Edited > Load of the Form
// I like defaulting variables
v_DefaultColor = "#000000";
// a color palette
l_ColorPalette = List();
// reset and set radio group options
clear input.Color_Picker;
for each l_ColorRow in l_ColorPalette
	for each v_ThisColor in l_ColorRow
  1.  // 
  2.  // I like defaulting variables 
  3.  v_DefaultColor = "#000000"; 
  4.  // 
  5.  // a color palette 
  6.  l_ColorPalette = List()
  7.  l_ColorPalette.add({"#FFFFFF","#EF1616","#EF8216","#EFB116","#5DC35A","#38D7BB","#16D0EF","#398EF3","#C516EF","#EF166F"})
  8.  l_ColorPalette.add({"#F3F3F3","#FDF4F4","#FDF6F4","#FDF9F4","#F5FAF5","#F4FBF9","#F4FBFD","#F4F7FE","#FAF4FD","#FDF4F5"})
  9.  l_ColorPalette.add({"#E7E7E7","#FCE7E7","#FCEDE7","#FCF2E7","#EAF5EA","#E8F8F3","#E7F7FC","#E8EEFD","#F5E7FC","#FCE7EB"})
  10.  l_ColorPalette.add({"#CBCBCB","#F9CCCC","#F9D8CC","#F9E4CC","#D2E9D1","#CEF0E7","#CCEEF9","#CEDBFA","#EACCF9","#F9CCD5"})
  11.  l_ColorPalette.add({"#AAAAAA","#F6ABAB","#F6C1AB","#F6D5AB","#B6DEB5","#AEE8DA","#ABE4F6","#AEC6F8","#DFABF6","#F6ABBB"})
  12.  l_ColorPalette.add({"#7C7C7C","#F27D7D","#F2A57D","#F2C47D","#92D191","#84E0CB","#7DDAF2","#85ADF5","#D27DF2","#F27D9B"})
  13.  l_ColorPalette.add({"#595959","#CC1111","#CC6E11","#CC9711","#4EA64C","#2EB79F","#11B1CC","#2F78D0","#A811CC","#CC115E"})
  14.  l_ColorPalette.add({"#000000","#8B0808","#8B4908","#8B6608","#337131","#1C7D6C","#08788B","#1D508E","#72088B","#8B083E"})
  15.  // 
  16.  // reset and set radio group options 
  17.  clear input.Color_Picker; 
  18.  for each l_ColorRow in l_ColorPalette 
  19.  { 
  20.      for each v_ThisColor in l_ColorRow 
  21.      { 
  22.          input.Color_Picker:ui.add(v_ThisColor)
  23.      } 
  24.  } 
Zoho Creator: Input Color Picker: the Radio

Step 2: Replace the text with colored boxes
// ...
// reset and set radio group options
clear input.Color_Picker;
for each l_ColorRow in l_ColorPalette
	for each v_ThisColor in l_ColorRow
		input.Color_Picker:ui.add("<span style='display:inline-block;width:20px;height:20px;background-color:"+v_ThisColor+"'>&nbsp;</span>");
  1.  // ... 
  2.  // 
  3.  // reset and set radio group options 
  4.  clear input.Color_Picker; 
  5.  for each l_ColorRow in l_ColorPalette 
  6.  { 
  7.      for each v_ThisColor in l_ColorRow 
  8.      { 
  9.          input.Color_Picker:ui.add("<span style='display:inline-block;width:20px;height:20px;background-color:"+v_ThisColor+"'>&nbsp;</span>")
  10.      } 
  11.  } 
Zoho Creator: Input Color Picker: the Colors

Step 3: Inject some CSS in a notes field
// ...
// reset and set radio group options
clear input.Color_Picker;
for each l_ColorRow in l_ColorPalette
	for each v_ThisColor in l_ColorRow
		input.Color_Picker:ui.add("<span class='my-color-picker' style='background-color:"+v_ThisColor+";'>&nbsp;</span>");
// inject some CSS
v_CssStyle = "<style>";
v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker .my-color-picker{width:17px;height:17px;border:0 !important;margin-right:1px;}";
v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker .choice-table-cell span{padding:0 !important;}";
// get rid of circular inputs
v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker .customRadio+label{display:none !important;}";
// float the radio options to the left to be horizontal rather than vertical
v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker .choice-table-cell{float:left;padding:0 !important;line-height:0 !important;margin:-4px 0 0 0 !important;}"; 
v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker .choice-table-row{float:left;display:none;}";
// first row is slightly different
v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div:nth-child(-n+30) span label span{width:16px;height:16px;margin-right:0;border:1px solid #fff !important;}"; 
// first cell (white) needs a grey border
v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div:nth-child(-n+3) span label span{width:14px;height:14px;margin-right:2px;border:1px solid #eee !important;}"; 
// create a new row after every 10 boxes (1 box = choice-table-row + choice-table-cell + choice-table-row = 3 divs)
v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div:nth-child(30n+1){clear:both;}"; 
v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + "</style>";
input.Note_ColorPicker_Css = v_CssStyle;
  1.  // ... 
  2.  // 
  3.  // reset and set radio group options 
  4.  clear input.Color_Picker; 
  5.  for each l_ColorRow in l_ColorPalette 
  6.  { 
  7.      for each v_ThisColor in l_ColorRow 
  8.      { 
  9.          input.Color_Picker:ui.add("<span class='my-color-picker' style='background-color:"+v_ThisColor+";'>&nbsp;</span>")
  10.      } 
  11.  } 
  12.  // 
  13.  // inject some CSS 
  14.  v_CssStyle = "<style>"
  15.  v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker .my-color-picker{width:17px;height:17px;border:0 !important;margin-right:1px;}"
  16.  v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker .choice-table-cell span{padding:0 !important;}"
  17.  // get rid of circular inputs 
  18.  v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker .customRadio+label{display:none !important;}"
  19.  // float the radio options to the left to be horizontal rather than vertical 
  20.  v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker .choice-table-cell{float:left;padding:0 !important;line-height:0 !important;margin:-4px 0 0 0 !important;}"
  21.  v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker .choice-table-row{float:left;display:none;}"
  22.  // first row is slightly different 
  23.  v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div:nth-child(-n+30) span label span{width:16px;height:16px;margin-right:0;border:1px solid #fff !important;}"; 
  24.  // first cell (white) needs a grey border 
  25.  v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div:nth-child(-n+3) span label span{width:14px;height:14px;margin-right:2px;border:1px solid #eee !important;}"; 
  26.  // create a new row after every 10 boxes (1 box = choice-table-row + choice-table-cell + choice-table-row = 3 divs) 
  27.  v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div:nth-child(30n+1){clear:both;}"
  28.  v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + "</style>"
  29.  input.Note_ColorPicker_Css = v_CssStyle; 
Zoho Creator: Input Color Picker: the CSS

Step 4: Popup and Dismiss Color Picker
To do this, we add one more option on the radio options which includes a button. When this input is clicked it displays the color palette and hides itself; when the color palette is clicked, it hides itself and shows the button.

Code for Onload of form:
// default to black on blank form, if loading an existing record, the value stored will be used.
v_DefaultColor = if(isBlank(input.Hexadecimal), "#000000", input.Hexadecimal);
// a color palette
l_ColorPalette = List();
// reset and set radio group options
clear Color_Picker;
for each  l_ColorRow in l_ColorPalette
	for each  v_ThisColor in l_ColorRow
		input.Color_Picker:ui.add("<span class='my-color-picker' style='background-color:" + v_ThisColor + ";'>&nbsp;</span>");
input.Color_Picker:ui.add("<div class='my-color-picker-button'><span class='my-color-picker'>&nbsp;</span></div>");
// inject some CSS
v_CssStyle = "<style>";
// when hiding the color palette, need to move the button higher to align it to the field label
v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker{margin-top:-7px !important;}";
v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div{display:none !important;}";
v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div:last-child{display:block !important;}";
v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker .customRadio+label{display:none !important;}";
// make button match other inputs on the form
v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div.my-color-picker-button{width:30px;height:20px;border:1px solid #A9B7C3;padding: 3px 5px 0;transition: background 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.86, 0, 0.07, 1);border-radius: 2px !important;background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  #ffffff 0%,#f3f3f3 50%,#ededed 51%,#ffffff 100%);}";
v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div.my-color-picker-button span{width:100%;height:6px;border-radius:2px;background-color: " + v_DefaultColor + ";}";
v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + "</style>";
input.Note_ColorPicker_Css = v_CssStyle;
  1.  // 
  2.  // default to black on blank form, if loading an existing record, the value stored will be used. 
  3.  v_DefaultColor = if(isBlank(input.Hexadecimal), "#000000", input.Hexadecimal)
  4.  // 
  5.  // a color palette 
  6.  l_ColorPalette = List()
  7.  l_ColorPalette.add({"#FFFFFF","#EF1616","#EF8216","#EFB116","#5DC35A","#38D7BB","#16D0EF","#398EF3","#C516EF","#EF166F"})
  8.  l_ColorPalette.add({"#F3F3F3","#FDF4F4","#FDF6F4","#FDF9F4","#F5FAF5","#F4FBF9","#F4FBFD","#F4F7FE","#FAF4FD","#FDF4F5"})
  9.  l_ColorPalette.add({"#E7E7E7","#FCE7E7","#FCEDE7","#FCF2E7","#EAF5EA","#E8F8F3","#E7F7FC","#E8EEFD","#F5E7FC","#FCE7EB"})
  10.  l_ColorPalette.add({"#CBCBCB","#F9CCCC","#F9D8CC","#F9E4CC","#D2E9D1","#CEF0E7","#CCEEF9","#CEDBFA","#EACCF9","#F9CCD5"})
  11.  l_ColorPalette.add({"#AAAAAA","#F6ABAB","#F6C1AB","#F6D5AB","#B6DEB5","#AEE8DA","#ABE4F6","#AEC6F8","#DFABF6","#F6ABBB"})
  12.  l_ColorPalette.add({"#7C7C7C","#F27D7D","#F2A57D","#F2C47D","#92D191","#84E0CB","#7DDAF2","#85ADF5","#D27DF2","#F27D9B"})
  13.  l_ColorPalette.add({"#595959","#CC1111","#CC6E11","#CC9711","#4EA64C","#2EB79F","#11B1CC","#2F78D0","#A811CC","#CC115E"})
  14.  l_ColorPalette.add({"#000000","#8B0808","#8B4908","#8B6608","#337131","#1C7D6C","#08788B","#1D508E","#72088B","#8B083E"})
  15.  // 
  16.  // reset and set radio group options 
  17.  clear Color_Picker; 
  18.  for each  l_ColorRow in l_ColorPalette 
  19.  { 
  20.      for each  v_ThisColor in l_ColorRow 
  21.      { 
  22.          input.Color_Picker:ui.add("<span class='my-color-picker' style='background-color:" + v_ThisColor + ";'>&nbsp;</span>")
  23.      } 
  24.  } 
  25.  input.Color_Picker:ui.add("<div class='my-color-picker-button'><span class='my-color-picker'>&nbsp;</span></div>")
  26.  // 
  27.  // inject some CSS 
  28.  v_CssStyle = "<style>"
  29.  // when hiding the color palette, need to move the button higher to align it to the field label 
  30.  v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker{margin-top:-7px !important;}"
  31.  v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div{display:none !important;}"
  32.  v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div:last-child{display:block !important;}"
  33.  v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker .customRadio+label{display:none !important;}"
  34.  // make button match other inputs on the form 
  35.  v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div.my-color-picker-button{width:30px;height:20px;border:1px solid #A9B7C3;padding: 3px 5px 0;transition: background 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.86, 0, 0.07, 1);border-radius: 2px !important;background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  #ffffff 0%,#f3f3f3 50%,#ededed 51%,#ffffff 100%);}"; 
  36.  v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div.my-color-picker-button span{width:100%;height:6px;border-radius:2px;background-color: " + v_DefaultColor + ";}"
  37.  v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + "</style>"
  38.  input.Note_ColorPicker_Css = v_CssStyle; 
Code for On User Input of Color Picker:
if(!isNull(input.Color_Picker) && !input.Color_Picker.contains("button"))
		v_HeximalRef = input.Color_Picker.getsuffix("background-color:").getprefix(";");
		input.Hexadecimal = v_HeximalRef;
		// optional function here but used in my real-world case
		input.RGB_Value = thisapp.ColorPicker.fn_HexToRGB(v_HeximalRef);
		// inject some CSS
		v_CssStyle = "<style>";
		// when hiding the color palette, need to move the button higher to align it to the field label
		v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker{margin-top:-7px !important;}";
		// hide all the divs under the color palette
		v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div{display:none !important;}";
		// show the last div (the button) under the color palette
		v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div:last-child{display:block !important;}";
		// hide the circular inputs
		v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker .customRadio+label{display:none !important;}";
		// make button match other inputs on the form
		v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div.my-color-picker-button{width:30px;height:20px;border:1px solid #A9B7C3;padding: 3px 5px 0;transition: background 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.86, 0, 0.07, 1);border-radius: 2px !important;background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  #ffffff 0%,#f3f3f3 50%,#ededed 51%,#ffffff 100%);}";
		v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div.my-color-picker-button span{width:100%;height:6px;border-radius:2px;background-color: " + input.Hexadecimal + ";}";
		v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + "</style>";
		input.Note_ColorPicker_Css = v_CssStyle;
	else if(!isNull(input.Color_Picker) && input.Color_Picker.contains("button"))
		// inject some CSS
		v_CssStyle_Popup = "<style>";
		v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + ".zc-Color_Picker .my-color-picker{width:17px;height:17px;border:0 !important;margin-right:1px;}";
		v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + ".zc-Color_Picker .choice-table-cell span{padding:0 !important;}";
		// get rid of circular inputs
		v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + ".zc-Color_Picker .customRadio+label{display:none !important;}";
		// align to left
		v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + ".zc-Color_Picker .choice-table-cell{float:left;padding:0 !important;line-height:0 !important;margin:-4px 0 0 0 !important;}";
		v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + ".zc-Color_Picker .choice-table-row{float:left;display:none;}";
		// first row is slightly different
		v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + ".zc-Color_Picker div:nth-child(-n+30) span label span{width:16px;height:16px;margin-right:0;border:1px solid #fff !important;}";
		// first cell (white) needs a grey border
		v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + ".zc-Color_Picker div:nth-child(-n+3) span label span{width:14px;height:14px;margin-right:2px;border:1px solid #eee !important;}";
		// create a new row after every 10 boxes (1 box = choice-table-row + choice-table-cell + choice-table-row = 3 divs)
		v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + ".zc-Color_Picker div:nth-child(30n+1){clear:both;}";
		// hide the button
		v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + ".zc-Color_Picker div:last-child{display:none !important;}";
		v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + "</style>";
		input.Note_ColorPicker_Css = v_CssStyle_Popup;
  1.  if(!isNull(input.Color_Picker) && !input.Color_Picker.contains("button")) 
  2.      { 
  3.          v_HeximalRef = input.Color_Picker.getsuffix("background-color:").getprefix(";")
  4.          input.Hexadecimal = v_HeximalRef; 
  5.          // optional function here but used in my real-world case 
  6.          input.RGB_Value = thisapp.ColorPicker.fn_HexToRGB(v_HeximalRef)
  7.          // 
  8.          // inject some CSS 
  9.          v_CssStyle = "<style>"
  10.          // when hiding the color palette, need to move the button higher to align it to the field label 
  11.          v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker{margin-top:-7px !important;}"
  12.          // hide all the divs under the color palette 
  13.          v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div{display:none !important;}"
  14.          // show the last div (the button) under the color palette 
  15.          v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div:last-child{display:block !important;}"
  16.          // hide the circular inputs 
  17.          v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker .customRadio+label{display:none !important;}"
  18.          // make button match other inputs on the form 
  19.          v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div.my-color-picker-button{width:30px;height:20px;border:1px solid #A9B7C3;padding: 3px 5px 0;transition: background 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.86, 0, 0.07, 1);border-radius: 2px !important;background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  #ffffff 0%,#f3f3f3 50%,#ededed 51%,#ffffff 100%);}"; 
  20.          v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + ".zc-Color_Picker div.my-color-picker-button span{width:100%;height:6px;border-radius:2px;background-color: " + input.Hexadecimal + ";}"
  21.          v_CssStyle = v_CssStyle + "</style>"
  22.          input.Note_ColorPicker_Css = v_CssStyle; 
  23.      } 
  24.      else if(!isNull(input.Color_Picker) && input.Color_Picker.contains("button")) 
  25.      { 
  26.          // 
  27.          // inject some CSS 
  28.          v_CssStyle_Popup = "<style>"
  29.          v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + ".zc-Color_Picker .my-color-picker{width:17px;height:17px;border:0 !important;margin-right:1px;}"
  30.          v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + ".zc-Color_Picker .choice-table-cell span{padding:0 !important;}"
  31.          // get rid of circular inputs 
  32.          v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + ".zc-Color_Picker .customRadio+label{display:none !important;}"
  33.          // align to left 
  34.          v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + ".zc-Color_Picker .choice-table-cell{float:left;padding:0 !important;line-height:0 !important;margin:-4px 0 0 0 !important;}"
  35.          v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + ".zc-Color_Picker .choice-table-row{float:left;display:none;}"
  36.          // first row is slightly different 
  37.          v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + ".zc-Color_Picker div:nth-child(-n+30) span label span{width:16px;height:16px;margin-right:0;border:1px solid #fff !important;}"; 
  38.          // first cell (white) needs a grey border 
  39.          v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + ".zc-Color_Picker div:nth-child(-n+3) span label span{width:14px;height:14px;margin-right:2px;border:1px solid #eee !important;}"; 
  40.          // create a new row after every 10 boxes (1 box = choice-table-row + choice-table-cell + choice-table-row = 3 divs) 
  41.          v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + ".zc-Color_Picker div:nth-child(30n+1){clear:both;}"
  42.          // hide the button 
  43.          v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + ".zc-Color_Picker div:last-child{display:none !important;}"
  44.          v_CssStyle_Popup = v_CssStyle_Popup + "</style>"
  45.          input.Note_ColorPicker_Css = v_CssStyle_Popup; 
  46.      } 
If a record is stored with its Hexadecimal value, when the record is loaded up (existing record), it will have the color already displayed in the button:
Zoho Creator: Input Color Picker: the Button


Category: Zoho :: Article: 886

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