AutoHotkey Format Date and Format Seconds

As you can tell these are my messed up functions that convert dates into seconds and vice-versa. They're a little disorganised but they're the ones I copy and paste to my scripts then modify.

In it's straightforward form
FormatTime( TimeString, Format )
     FormatTime, FormattedTime , TimeString, %Format% 
     return Formattedtime
  1.  FormatTime( TimeString, Format ) 
  2.  { 
  3.       FormatTime, FormattedTime , TimeString, %Format% 
  4.       return Formattedtime 
  5.  } 

The following function is to convert a given SQL date or a European date formatted value:
    		; SQL format (yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss)
    		IfInString, val, -
    			StringReplace, val, val, -,,All
    			StringReplace, val, val, :,,All
    			StringReplace, val, val, %A_Space%,,All
    		; Standard European format (dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss)
    		IfInString, val, /
    			ThisTime:=SubStr(val, InStr(val, " ")+1)
    			StringReplace, ThisTime, ThisTime, :,,A
    			ThisDate:=SubStr(val, 1, InStr(val, " "))
    			ThisDate:=SubStr(ThisDate, 7) . SubStr(ThisDate, 4, 2) . SubStr(ThisDate, 1, 2)
    		FormatTime, val, %val%, ddd dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss
    		Return val

    	// returns format Sat 01-Jan-2011 01:00:00
  1.  FormatDate(val) 
  2.          { 
  3.              ; SQL format (yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss) 
  4.              IfInString, val, - 
  5.              { 
  6.                  StringReplace, val, val, -,,All 
  7.                  StringReplace, val, val, :,,All 
  8.                  StringReplace, val, val, %A_Space%,,All 
  9.              } 
  10.              ; Standard European format (dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss) 
  11.              IfInString, val, / 
  12.              { 
  13.                  ThisTime:=SubStr(val, InStr(val, " ")+1) 
  14.                  StringReplace, ThisTime, ThisTime, :,,
  15.                  ThisTime=%ThisTime% 
  16.                  ThisDate:=SubStr(val, 1, InStr(val, " ")) 
  17.                  ThisDate=%ThisDate% 
  18.                  ThisDate:=SubStr(ThisDate, 7) . SubStr(ThisDate, 4, 2) . SubStr(ThisDate, 1, 2) 
  19.                  ThisDate=%ThisDate% 
  20.                  val=%ThisDate%%ThisTime% 
  21.              } 
  22.              FormatTime, val, %val%, ddd dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss 
  23.              Return val 
  24.          } 
  27.          // returns format Sat 01-Jan-2011 01:00:00 

The next function usually accompanies the above one. It will basically convert seconds into days, hours, minutes, etc.:
    		IfInString, val, -
    			Month:=SubStr(val, 8, 3)
    			Month:=Month * 1
    			StringSplit, MonthNameArray, Months, |
    			TimeString1:=SubStr(val, 12, 4)
    			TimeString1:=TimeString1 . SubStr(val, 5, 2) . SubStr(val, 17, 2) . SubStr(val, 20, 2) . SubStr(val, 23, 2)
    			EnvSub, TimeString2, %TimeString1%, Seconds

    		ThisDays:=val / 86400
    		IfInString, ThisDays, .
    			ThisDays:=SubStr(ThisDays, 1, InStr(ThisDays, ".")-1)
    		ThisHours:=(Mod(val, 86400)/3600)
    		IfInString, ThisHours, .
    			ThisHours:=SubStr(ThisHours, 1, InStr(ThisHours, ".")-1)
    		ThisMins:=(Mod(val, 3600)/60)
    		IfInString, ThisMins, .
    			ThisMins:=SubStr(ThisMins, 1, InStr(ThisMins, ".")-1)
    		ThisSecs:=Mod(val, 60)
    		IfInString, ThisSecs, .
    			ThisSecs:=SubStr(ThisSecs, 1, InStr(ThisSecs, ".")-1)
    		If ThisDays>0
    			If ThisDays>365
    				IfInString, ThisYears, .
    					ThisYears:=SubStr(ThisYears, 1, InStr(ThisYears, ".")-1)

                    Grammar:=(ThisYears=1) ? "" : "s"
    				strVal=%ThisYears% year%Grammar%,
    				ThisDays:=ThisDays - (ThisYears*365)
                    Grammar:=(ThisDays=1) ? "" : "s"
    				strVal=%strVal% %ThisDays% day%Grammar%,
    			} else {
                    Grammar:=(ThisDays=1) ? "" : "s"
    				strVal=%ThisDays% day%Grammar%,
    		If ThisHours>0
                Grammar:=(ThisHours=1) ? "" : "s"
    			strVal=%strVal% %ThisHours% hour%Grammar%,
    		If ThisMins>0
                Grammar:=(ThisMins=1) ? "" : "s"
    			strVal=%strVal% %ThisMins% minute%Grammar%,
            Grammar:=(ThisSecs=1) ? "" : "s"
    		strVal=%strVal% %ThisSecs% second%Grammar%
    		Return strVal
  1.  FormatSeconds(val) 
  2.          { 
  3.              IfInString, val, - 
  4.              { 
  5.                  Month:=SubStr(val, 8, 3) 
  6.                  Month:=Month * 1 
  7.                  Months=Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec 
  8.                  StringSplit, MonthNameArray, Months, | 
  9.                  Month:=MonthNameArray%Month% 
  10.                  TimeString1:=SubStr(val, 12, 4) 
  11.                  TimeString1=%TimeString1%%Month% 
  12.                  TimeString1:=TimeString1 . SubStr(val, 5, 2) . SubStr(val, 17, 2) . SubStr(val, 20, 2) . SubStr(val, 23, 2) 
  13.                  TimeString2:=A_Now 
  14.                  EnvSub, TimeString2, %TimeString1%, Seconds 
  15.                  val:=TimeString2 
  16.              } 
  18.              strVal= 
  19.              ThisDays:=val / 86400 
  20.              IfInString, ThisDays, . 
  21.                  ThisDays:=SubStr(ThisDays, 1, InStr(ThisDays, ".")-1) 
  22.              ThisHours:=(Mod(val, 86400)/3600) 
  23.              IfInString, ThisHours, . 
  24.                  ThisHours:=SubStr(ThisHours, 1, InStr(ThisHours, ".")-1) 
  25.              ThisMins:=(Mod(val, 3600)/60) 
  26.              IfInString, ThisMins, . 
  27.                  ThisMins:=SubStr(ThisMins, 1, InStr(ThisMins, ".")-1) 
  28.              ThisSecs:=Mod(val, 60) 
  29.              IfInString, ThisSecs, . 
  30.                  ThisSecs:=SubStr(ThisSecs, 1, InStr(ThisSecs, ".")-1) 
  31.              If ThisDays>0 
  32.              { 
  33.                  If ThisDays>365 
  34.                  { 
  35.                      ThisYears:=ThisDays/365 
  36.                      IfInString, ThisYears, . 
  37.                          ThisYears:=SubStr(ThisYears, 1, InStr(ThisYears, ".")-1) 
  39.                      Grammar:=(ThisYears=1) ? "" : "s" 
  40.                      strVal=%ThisYears% year%Grammar%, 
  41.                      ThisDays:=ThisDays - (ThisYears*365) 
  42.                      Grammar:=(ThisDays=1) ? "" : "s" 
  43.                      strVal=%strVal% %ThisDays% day%Grammar%, 
  44.                  } else { 
  45.                      Grammar:=(ThisDays=1) ? "" : "s" 
  46.                      strVal=%ThisDays% day%Grammar%, 
  47.                  } 
  48.              } 
  49.              If ThisHours>0 
  50.              { 
  51.                  Grammar:=(ThisHours=1) ? "" : "s" 
  52.                  strVal=%strVal% %ThisHours% hour%Grammar%, 
  53.              } 
  54.              If ThisMins>0 
  55.              { 
  56.                  Grammar:=(ThisMins=1) ? "" : "s" 
  57.                  strVal=%strVal% %ThisMins% minute%Grammar%, 
  58.              } 
  59.              Grammar:=(ThisSecs=1) ? "" : "s" 
  60.              strVal=%strVal% %ThisSecs% second%Grammar% 
  61.              Return strVal 
  62.          } 
Category: AutoHotkey :: Article: 384

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Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided on this website is intended for informational purposes only and does not represent a warranty. The opinions expressed are those of the author only. We recommend testing any solutions in a development environment before implementing them in production. The articles are based on our good faith efforts and were current at the time of writing, reflecting our practical experience in a commercial setting.

Thank you for visiting and, as always, we hope this website was of some use to you!

Kind Regards,

Joel Lipman

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