
This is a quick note on how to reduce a whole bunch of CSS into a single line without unnecessary spaces and new lines.

What I have:

#copyright a{
    margin: 10px 0 0 85px;
    box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px 0px rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.3);

What I want:

#copyright a{margin:10px 0 0 85px;box-shadow:5px 5px 5px 0px rgba(51,51,51,0.3);}

So I'm doing this with a regular expression to get rid of newlines:

$v_AppStyle = "
#copyright a{
    margin: 10px 0 0 85px;
    box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px 0px rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.3);
$v_AppStyleFormatted = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $v_AppStyle);

and a few str_replace arrays:

// exceptions
$a_ReplaceFrom1 = array("px ", "0 ", " a");
$a_ReplaceTo1 = array("px?", "0?", "?a");
$v_AppStyleFormatted = str_replace($a_ReplaceFrom1, $a_ReplaceTo1, $v_AppStyleFormatted);

// replace all spaces to empty and replace question marks back to spaces
$a_ReplaceFrom2 = array(" ", "?");
$a_ReplaceTo2 = array("", " ");
$v_AppStyleFormatted = str_replace($a_ReplaceFrom2, $a_ReplaceTo2, $v_AppStyleFormatted);
echo $v_AppStyleFormatted;

So this is a quick article to demo how to center an iframe horizontally and vertically in a screen/viewport in pure CSS (no JavaScript allowed). This CSS centers it by its center point rather than the top/bottom/left/right outline.

On a mobile, a client's site uses an external page embedded by iframe. When the app within the iframe has an alert message, it popups a div at the centre of its app. The alert message is always at the center of the iframe but if the iframe has a height of 2000 pixels, the iframe gets aligned to the top of the parent...

We're going to use a touch of CSS and instead of determining heights and alignment with JS.

A quick article to remind me on how create an multi-level ordered list that indents and aligns correctly.

I'm finding that I need to do this quite often for some clients who want to include their terms and conditions in quote/invoice templates and want the HTML to be indented neatly.

Other examples out there will work, but I found that once the list count increased the number of digits (eg. 1.10) the text would be more indented (relative) to 1.1. I need all list elements to be all perfectly aligned.
// What I Have

1.   Item 1
     1.1   Item 1a
     1.2   Item 1b
     1.9   Item 1c
     1.10   Item 1d
2.   Item 2
// What I Want

1.   Item 1
     1.1   Item 1a
     1.2   Item 1b
     1.9   Item 1c
     1.10  Item 1d
2.   Item 2
// What I DON'T Want  (happens if you use list-style-position: outside)

1.   Item 1
      1.1  Item 1a
      1.2  Item 1b
      1.9  Item 1c
     1.10  Item 1d
2.   Item 2

I've been refining this based on several examples and the following solution seems to be the most stable:

This is an article I hope to refine one day where given a set of breadcrumb hyperlinks, when I hover the mouse over the links, the text changes and the transition between the two is controlled smoothly.

At time of print, I couldn't find any clear example demonstrating this so here's my take on it:

What I have
» Home / Products / Lanterns
What I want (on mouseover)
// if I hover the mouse over the "Home" link:
» Return to Home / Products / Lanterns        

// if I hover the mouse over the "Products" link:
» Home / More Products / Lanterns        

// if I hover the mouse over the "Lanterns" link:
» Home / Products / More Lanterns        


Just a quick note to refine a function that will take a date in the past and return the number of years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds.

Here are some examples of what we want to achieve:
1 year 2 months 3 weeks 4 days 5 hours 6 minutes 7 seconds  // full string
1 year 3 weeks 5 hours 7 seconds                            // where shown values are not zero
Actually we just want the first two words of those strings:
3 days ago          // where event is 3 days ago or just over but less than 4 days ago
1 week ago          // where event is just over 1 week ago but less than 2 weeks ago


So this is an article for me on how to copy Joomla's and Wordpress' feature where a Title/Name value is converted to a search-engine friendly URL alias and is unique in the database. Ok that's a long sentence; let me try this:
  1. When I save a record in JoomlaCMS or WordpressCMS
  2. It creates a unique name to use in URLs
  3. I want that

These are used as inputs to server-side scripts for the sake of search-engine friendliness. There are no silver bullets here but I want to block any character that isn't a letter, a number or an underscore.

Suppose the following exists as a MySQL database table called my_table_name:

What we have:
| id       | name              | url_alias            |
| 1        | My *First* Test   | my_first_test        |
|          |                   |                      |
|          |                   |                      |
What we want:
| id       | name              | url_alias            |
| 1        | My *First* Test   | my_first_test        |
| 2        | My *First* Test   | my_first_test_1      |
| 3        | My _-_First Test  | my_first_test_2      |

I saw a lot of articles that would cover this but I wanted an example which includes headers and footers and how to get an automatic page-break-inside to not overlap these. Fine on screen but this is obviously for when it comes to printing.

I needed to create a template in HTML where the first page is a cover page (background image filling the page with a logo floating at the centre) and the next page has a table which is of variable length. Fine when the table was short and didn't have many rows. But the client will pick up the phone to you when the table has too many rows to fit on one page, and this overlaps onto the next, covering the footer and header...

By spending a lot of time spinning on my chair and twiddling my thumbs...

This is an example of Javascript code to update and display the elapsed/remaining hours minutes and seconds in real-time.

I know there are a lot of articles out there that write about the same, but this is an example that I was coding and found to be one of the most reduced cut down formats I've made. I thought I'd make a note of it to not have to search elsewhere...

This example specifically displays the time remaining on an access_token which is generated from an OAuth 2.0 process. I want to display to the user how much time is left before another access token will be generated and how long ago was the last token created.

So almost pure JS. I'm working out the seconds remaining and seconds elapsed in PHP first then passing these as two variables to the below code but you could get your values from anywhere:

Credit where Credit is Due:

Feel free to copy, redistribute and share this information. All that we ask is that you attribute credit and possibly even a link back to this website as it really helps in our search engine rankings.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided on this website is intended for informational purposes only and does not represent a warranty. The opinions expressed are those of the author only. We recommend testing any solutions in a development environment before implementing them in production. The articles are based on our good faith efforts and were current at the time of writing, reflecting our practical experience in a commercial setting.

Thank you for visiting and, as always, we hope this website was of some use to you!

Kind Regards,

Joel Lipman

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