So this is an article exploring how to convert UPPERCASE text into mixed case. The feed is originally for a personnel feed so it won't be converting long paragraphs of English text. Instead it will be applied to names and addresses as well as job titles and departments.
We wanted a T-SQL version despite having successfully built a custom script component for SSIS.
You can search my site for how to do this in VB or C#. This version is entirely using T-SQL and we're going to use a function so no dynamic SQL (execute, evaluate).
Method #1: First version
This was my first attempt based on snippets around the web. This one has two sections, the first part capitalizes any letter after a non-alpha letter. The remainder of it is to deal with exceptions to the rule, words that you want in a specific case.
CREATE FUNCTION ufn_ProperCase(@Text AS VARCHAR(8000)) RETURNS VARCHAR(8000) AS BEGIN -- declare some variables DECLARE @Reset BIT; DECLARE @Ret VARCHAR(8000); DECLARE @i INT; DECLARE @c VARCHAR(2); -- specify reset SELECT @Reset = 1, @i=1, @Ret = ''; IF (UPPER(@Text)=@Text Collate Latin1_General_CS_AI) BEGIN -- cycle through each character, -- if non-alpha, uppercase next alpha character. -- if alpha then lowercase subsequent alphas. -- NON-ALPHA EXCEPTIONS ADDED TO REGEXP (eg. apostrophe) WHILE (@i <= len(@Text)) SELECT @c= substring(@Text,@i,1), @Ret = @Ret + CASE WHEN @Reset=1 THEN UPPER(@c) ELSE LOWER(@c) END, @Reset = CASE WHEN @c like '[a-zA-Z'']' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, @i = @i +1 -- add a leading and trailing space to indicate word delimiters (bol & eol) SET @Ret = ' ' + @Ret + ' '; -- Any character immediately after non-alpha is now in uppercase. -- Base the following overrides/exceptions on this. -- specify exceptions to be lowercased SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' And ', LOWER(' And ')); SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' At ', LOWER(' At ')); SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' Of ', LOWER(' Of ')); SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' The ', LOWER(' The ')); -- specify exceptions to be uppercased SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' Bi ', UPPER(' BI ')); -- Business Inteligence SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' Hr ', UPPER(' HR ')); -- Human Resources SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' It ', UPPER(' IT ')); -- Info Tech Services -- specify exceptions to be custom cased: McDonalds, Mc Donalds IF(@Ret LIKE '% Mc%') BEGIN SELECT @c = SUBSTRING(@Ret,CHARINDEX(' Mc',@Ret)+3,1) SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' Mc'+LOWER(@c), ' Mc'+UPPER(@c)) END -- specify exceptions to be custom cased: O'Neils IF(@Ret LIKE '% O''%') BEGIN SELECT @c = SUBSTRING(@Ret,CHARINDEX(' O''',@Ret)+3,1) SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' O'''+LOWER(@c), ' O'''+UPPER(@c)) END -- specify exceptions to be custom cased: D'Artagnan IF(@Ret LIKE '% D''%') BEGIN SELECT @c = SUBSTRING(@Ret,CHARINDEX(' D''',@Ret)+3,1) SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' D'''+LOWER(@c), ' D'''+UPPER(@c)) END -- specify exceptions to be custom cased: I'Anson IF(@Ret LIKE '% I''%') BEGIN SELECT @c = SUBSTRING(@Ret,CHARINDEX(' I''',@Ret)+3,1) SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' I'''+LOWER(@c), ' I'''+UPPER(@c)) END -- remove leading and trailing spaces SET @Ret = LTRIM(RTRIM(@Ret)); END ELSE -- return the string unaffected if it is not in uppercase SET @Ret=@Text RETURN @Ret END
- CREATE FUNCTION ufn_ProperCase(@Text AS VARCHAR(8000))
- AS
- -- declare some variables
- -- specify reset
- SELECT @Reset = 1, @i=1, @Ret = '';
- IF (UPPER(@Text)=@Text Collate Latin1_General_CS_AI)
- -- cycle through each character,
- -- if non-alpha, uppercase next alpha character.
- -- if alpha then lowercase subsequent alphas.
- WHILE (@i <= len(@Text))
- SELECT @c= substring(@Text,@i,1),
- @Ret = @Ret + CASE WHEN @Reset=1 THEN UPPER(@c) ELSE LOWER(@c) END,
- @Reset = CASE WHEN @c like '[a-zA-Z'']' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,
- @i = @i +1
- -- add a leading and trailing space to indicate word delimiters (bol & eol)
- SET @Ret = ' ' + @Ret + ' ';
- -- Any character immediately after non-alpha is now in uppercase.
- -- Base the following overrides/exceptions on this.
- -- specify exceptions to be lowercased
- SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' And ', LOWER(' And '));
- SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' At ', LOWER(' At '));
- SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' Of ', LOWER(' Of '));
- SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' The ', LOWER(' The '));
- -- specify exceptions to be uppercased
- SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' Bi ', UPPER(' BI ')); -- Business Inteligence
- SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' Hr ', UPPER(' HR ')); -- Human Resources
- SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' It ', UPPER(' IT ')); -- Info Tech Services
- -- specify exceptions to be custom cased: McDonalds, Mc Donalds
- IF(@Ret LIKE '% Mc%')
- SELECT @c = SUBSTRING(@Ret,CHARINDEX(' Mc',@Ret)+3,1)
- SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' Mc'+LOWER(@c), ' Mc'+UPPER(@c))
- -- specify exceptions to be custom cased: O'Neils
- IF(@Ret LIKE '% O''%')
- SELECT @c = SUBSTRING(@Ret,CHARINDEX(' O''',@Ret)+3,1)
- SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' O'''+LOWER(@c), ' O'''+UPPER(@c))
- -- specify exceptions to be custom cased: D'Artagnan
- IF(@Ret LIKE '% D''%')
- SELECT @c = SUBSTRING(@Ret,CHARINDEX(' D''',@Ret)+3,1)
- SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' D'''+LOWER(@c), ' D'''+UPPER(@c))
- -- specify exceptions to be custom cased: I'Anson
- IF(@Ret LIKE '% I''%')
- SELECT @c = SUBSTRING(@Ret,CHARINDEX(' I''',@Ret)+3,1)
- SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' I'''+LOWER(@c), ' I'''+UPPER(@c))
- -- remove leading and trailing spaces
- SET @Ret = LTRIM(RTRIM(@Ret));
- -- return the string unaffected if it is not in uppercase
- SET @Ret=@Text
Add this to the beginning if you want to test the function a lot. I didn't include this in case you already have a function called this.
IF object_id(N'ufn_ProperCase', N'FN') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION ufn_ProperCase GO
- IF object_id(N'ufn_ProperCase', N'FN') IS NOT NULL
- DROP FUNCTION ufn_ProperCase
- GO
This version will use a variable table but it could be adapted to feed off any database table. As before it capitalizes words after non-alpha letters as well as apostrophe, but some name exceptions are built into the same case statement (McDonalds, O'Neils, D'Artagnan) and hopefully a clear way on how to add more.
Then I have the custom exceptions, here simply type the word as it is intended to ultimately display as, the case-insensitive replace by T-SQL will find that instance and replace it with exactly how the word is written in the function.
CREATE FUNCTION ufn_ProperCase(@Text AS VARCHAR(8000)) RETURNS VARCHAR(8000) AS BEGIN -- declare some variables DECLARE @Reset BIT; DECLARE @Ret VARCHAR(8000); DECLARE @i INT; DECLARE @c0 CHAR(1); DECLARE @c1 CHAR(1); DECLARE @c2 CHAR(1); DECLARE @CaseExceptions TABLE(MyIndex int identity(1,1), MyString VARCHAR(8000)); DECLARE @exceptionToFind VARCHAR(8000); -- specify reset SELECT @Reset = 1, @i=1, @Ret = ''; -- only apply if all characters are already in uppercase IF (UPPER(@Text)=@Text COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI) BEGIN -- add a leading and trailing space to indicate word delimiters (bol & eol) SET @Text = ' ' + @Text + ' '; -- cycle through each character, -- if non-alpha, uppercase next alpha character. -- if alpha then lowercase subsequent alphas. WHILE (@i <= LEN(@Text)) SELECT @c0=SUBSTRING(@Text,@i-2,1), @c1=SUBSTRING(@Text,@i-1,1), @c2=SUBSTRING(@Text,@i,1), @Ret = @Ret + CASE WHEN @Reset=1 THEN UPPER(@c2) ELSE LOWER(@c2) END, @Reset = CASE -- EXCEPTION: McDonalds and Mc Donalds but not Tomcat WHEN @c0 = ' ' AND @c1 = 'M' AND @c2 = 'c' THEN 1 -- EXCEPTION: D'Artagnan and I'Anson -- EXCEPTION: O'Neils and O' Sullivan but not Mo'Money WHEN @c0 = ' ' AND @c1 IN ('D', 'I', 'O') AND @c2 = '''' THEN 1 WHEN @c2 LIKE '[a-zA-Z'']' THEN 0 -- Apply LOWER to any character after alphas or apostrophes ELSE 1 -- Apply UPPER to any character after symbols/punctuation END, @i = @i +1 -- remove leading spaces so first words will not be lowercased -- (eg. "The" at the beginning of a sentence) SET @Ret = LTRIM(@Ret); -- custom exceptions: the search is case-insensitive and will -- convert the word to the case as written below. INSERT INTO @CaseExceptions (MyString) VALUES ('and'), ('at'), ('of'), ('the') -- common conversions ,('BI') -- Business Inteligence ,('HR') -- Human Resources ,('IT') -- Info Tech Services DECLARE exceptions_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT ' '+MyString+' ' FROM @CaseExceptions OPEN exceptions_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM exceptions_cursor INTO @exceptionToFind; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, @exceptionToFind, @exceptionToFind) FETCH NEXT FROM exceptions_cursor INTO @exceptionToFind; END CLOSE exceptions_cursor DEALLOCATE exceptions_cursor -- remove any leading and trailing spaces SET @Ret = LTRIM(RTRIM(@Ret)); END ELSE BEGIN -- return the string unaffected if it is not in uppercase SET @Ret=@Text END RETURN @Ret END
- CREATE FUNCTION ufn_ProperCase(@Text AS VARCHAR(8000))
- AS
- -- declare some variables
- DECLARE @c0 CHAR(1);
- DECLARE @c1 CHAR(1);
- DECLARE @c2 CHAR(1);
- DECLARE @CaseExceptions TABLE(MyIndex int identity(1,1), MyString VARCHAR(8000));
- DECLARE @exceptionToFind VARCHAR(8000);
- -- specify reset
- SELECT @Reset = 1, @i=1, @Ret = '';
- -- only apply if all characters are already in uppercase
- IF (UPPER(@Text)=@Text COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI)
- -- add a leading and trailing space to indicate word delimiters (bol & eol)
- SET @Text = ' ' + @Text + ' ';
- -- cycle through each character,
- -- if non-alpha, uppercase next alpha character.
- -- if alpha then lowercase subsequent alphas.
- WHILE (@i <= LEN(@Text))
- @c0=SUBSTRING(@Text,@i-2,1), @c1=SUBSTRING(@Text,@i-1,1), @c2=SUBSTRING(@Text,@i,1),
- @Ret = @Ret + CASE WHEN @Reset=1 THEN UPPER(@c2) ELSE LOWER(@c2) END,
- @Reset = CASE
- -- EXCEPTION: McDonalds and Mc Donalds but not Tomcat
- WHEN @c0 = ' ' AND @c1 = 'M' AND @c2 = 'c' THEN 1
- -- EXCEPTION: D'Artagnan and I'Anson
- -- EXCEPTION: O'Neils and O' Sullivan but not Mo'Money
- WHEN @c0 = ' ' AND @c1 IN ('D', 'I', 'O') AND @c2 = '''' THEN 1
- WHEN @c2 LIKE '[a-zA-Z'']' THEN 0 -- Apply LOWER to any character after alphas or apostrophes
- ELSE 1 -- Apply UPPER to any character after symbols/punctuation
- END,
- @i = @i +1
- -- remove leading spaces so first words will not be lowercased
- -- (eg. "The" at the beginning of a sentence)
- SET @Ret = LTRIM(@Ret);
- -- custom exceptions: the search is case-insensitive and will
- -- convert the word to the case as written below.
- INSERT INTO @CaseExceptions (MyString) VALUES
- ('and'), ('at'), ('of'), ('the') -- common conversions
- ,('BI') -- Business Inteligence
- ,('HR') -- Human Resources
- ,('IT') -- Info Tech Services
- DECLARE exceptions_cursor CURSOR FOR
- SELECT ' '+MyString+' ' FROM @CaseExceptions
- OPEN exceptions_cursor
- FETCH NEXT FROM exceptions_cursor
- INTO @exceptionToFind;
- SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, @exceptionToFind, @exceptionToFind)
- FETCH NEXT FROM exceptions_cursor INTO @exceptionToFind;
- CLOSE exceptions_cursor
- DEALLOCATE exceptions_cursor
- -- remove any leading and trailing spaces
- SET @Ret = LTRIM(RTRIM(@Ret));
- -- return the string unaffected if it is not in uppercase
- SET @Ret=@Text
Method #3: No Cursor
Personally, I felt the cursor allowed your exception list to be longer and to be run off a populated SQL table, but if it's a short one like I was tasked with, then you can put the words of mixed case in a comma delimited string. The string would contain the case of your choosing and using T-SQL case-insensitivity will overwrite whatever match it finds with what you typed in the code. Here's my final version:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ufn_ProperCase(@Text AS VARCHAR(8000)) RETURNS VARCHAR(8000) AS BEGIN -- declare some variables DECLARE @Reset BIT; DECLARE @Ret VARCHAR(8000); DECLARE @i INT; DECLARE @c0 CHAR(1); DECLARE @c1 CHAR(1); DECLARE @c2 CHAR(1); DECLARE @CaseLen INT; DECLARE @CaseExceptions VARCHAR(8000); DECLARE @CaseValue VARCHAR(8000); -- Set some default values SELECT @Reset = 1, @i=1, @Ret = ''; -- only apply if all characters are already in uppercase IF (UPPER(@Text)=@Text COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI) BEGIN -- add a leading and trailing space to indicate word delimiters (bol & eol) SET @Text = ' ' + @Text + ' '; -- cycle through each character, -- if non-alpha, uppercase next alpha character. -- if alpha then lowercase subsequent alphas. WHILE (@i <= LEN(@Text)) SELECT @c0=SUBSTRING(@Text,@i-2,1), @c1=SUBSTRING(@Text,@i-1,1), @c2=SUBSTRING(@Text,@i,1), @Ret = @Ret + CASE WHEN @Reset=1 THEN UPPER(@c2) ELSE LOWER(@c2) END, @Reset = CASE -- EXCEPTION: McDonalds and Mc Donalds but not Tomcat WHEN @c0 = ' ' AND @c1 = 'M' AND @c2 = 'c' THEN 1 -- EXCEPTION: D'Artagnan, I'Anson, O'Neils and O' Sullivan but Mo'Money WHEN @c0 = ' ' AND @c1 IN ('D', 'I', 'O') AND @c2 = '''' THEN 1 WHEN @c2 LIKE '[a-zA-Z'']' THEN 0 -- Apply LOWER to any character after alphas or apostrophes ELSE 1 -- Apply UPPER to any character after symbols/punctuation END, @i = @i +1 -- add a trailing space in case the previous rule changed this. SET @Ret = @Ret + ' '; -- custom exceptions: this search is case-insensitive and will -- replace the word to the case as it is written in the list. -- NOTE: this list has to end with a comma! SELECT @i=0, @CaseLen=0, @CaseExceptions = 'and,at,de,for,in,of,or,the,to,van,y,'+ 'BI,GP,HR,IT,NHS,OVC,'+ 'PA,PR,PT,PTHP,UET,UK,USA,VC,'+ 'AskMe,HoD,PO Box,SportMe,' -- Loop through exception cases WHILE CHARINDEX(',', @CaseExceptions, @i+1)>0 BEGIN -- get the delimited word SET @CaseLen = CHARINDEX(',', @CaseExceptions, @i+1) - @i SET @CaseValue = SUBSTRING(@CaseExceptions, @i, @CaseLen) -- replace it in the original text SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' '+@CaseValue+' ', ' '+@CaseValue+' ') -- get position of next word SET @i = CHARINDEX(',', @CaseExceptions, @i+@CaseLen) +1 END -- remove any leading and trailing spaces SET @Ret = LTRIM(RTRIM(@Ret)); -- capitalize first character of data irrespective of previous rules SET @Ret = UPPER(SUBSTRING(@Ret,1,1)) + SUBSTRING(@Ret,2,LEN(@Ret)); END ELSE BEGIN -- return the string unaffected if it is not in uppercase SET @Ret=@Text END RETURN @Ret END
- CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ufn_ProperCase(@Text AS VARCHAR(8000))
- AS
- -- declare some variables
- DECLARE @CaseExceptions VARCHAR(8000);
- DECLARE @CaseValue VARCHAR(8000);
- -- Set some default values
- SELECT @Reset = 1, @i=1, @Ret = '';
- -- only apply if all characters are already in uppercase
- IF (UPPER(@Text)=@Text COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI)
- -- add a leading and trailing space to indicate word delimiters (bol & eol)
- SET @Text = ' ' + @Text + ' ';
- -- cycle through each character,
- -- if non-alpha, uppercase next alpha character.
- -- if alpha then lowercase subsequent alphas.
- WHILE (@i <= LEN(@Text))
- @c0=SUBSTRING(@Text,@i-2,1), @c1=SUBSTRING(@Text,@i-1,1), @c2=SUBSTRING(@Text,@i,1),
- @Ret = @Ret + CASE WHEN @Reset=1 THEN UPPER(@c2) ELSE LOWER(@c2) END,
- @Reset = CASE
- -- EXCEPTION: McDonalds and Mc Donalds but not Tomcat
- WHEN @c0 = ' ' AND @c1 = 'M' AND @c2 = 'c' THEN 1
- -- EXCEPTION: D'Artagnan, I'Anson, O'Neils and O' Sullivan but Mo'Money
- WHEN @c0 = ' ' AND @c1 IN ('D', 'I', 'O') AND @c2 = '''' THEN 1
- WHEN @c2 LIKE '[a-zA-Z'']' THEN 0 -- Apply LOWER to any character after alphas or apostrophes
- ELSE 1 -- Apply UPPER to any character after symbols/punctuation
- END,
- @i = @i +1
- -- add a trailing space in case the previous rule changed this.
- SET @Ret = @Ret + ' ';
- -- custom exceptions: this search is case-insensitive and will
- -- replace the word to the case as it is written in the list.
- -- NOTE: this list has to end with a comma!
- SELECT @i=0, @CaseLen=0,
- @CaseExceptions = 'and,at,de,for,in,of,or,the,to,van,y,'+
- 'AskMe,HoD,PO Box,SportMe,'
- -- Loop through exception cases
- WHILE CHARINDEX(',', @CaseExceptions, @i+1)>0
- -- get the delimited word
- SET @CaseLen = CHARINDEX(',', @CaseExceptions, @i+1) - @i
- SET @CaseValue = SUBSTRING(@CaseExceptions, @i, @CaseLen)
- -- replace it in the original text
- SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' '+@CaseValue+' ', ' '+@CaseValue+' ')
- -- get position of next word
- SET @i = CHARINDEX(',', @CaseExceptions, @i+@CaseLen) +1
- -- remove any leading and trailing spaces
- SET @Ret = LTRIM(RTRIM(@Ret));
- -- capitalize first character of data irrespective of previous rules
- SET @Ret = UPPER(SUBSTRING(@Ret,1,1)) + SUBSTRING(@Ret,2,LEN(@Ret));
- -- return the string unaffected if it is not in uppercase
- SET @Ret=@Text
Examples of what this script does:
Reminder: The script only affects data already in UPPERCASE. Change the IF (UPPER(@Text)=@Text COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI) line if you want to change this.
Original | Proper-Cased |
JOHN SMITH-JONES | John Smith-Jones |
HEAD OF IT SERVICES | Head of IT Services |
FLAT 123A | Flat 123A |
MRS. O'CONNOR-MCDONALD | Mrs. O'Connor-McDonald |
ORG_DEPT_STATUS | Org_Dept_Status |
SEND.HELP.NOW | Send.Help.Now |
PO BOX 1234 | PO Box 1234 |
B'MTH BH1 3AB | B'mth Bh1 3Ab |
123 THE WORLD'S END | 123 the World's End |
'WONDERWALL' | 'wonderwall' |
"FAIRLANDS" | "Fairlands" |
C/O DAD'S (JIMMY) | C/O Dad's (Jimmy) |
SampleText | SampleText |
lowercase.text | lowercase.text |
Examples of usage:
SELECT ufn_ProperCase([Surname]) FROM employees
- ufn_ProperCase([Surname])
- employees
Note how the above doesn't convert postal codes, specifically British postcodes, which isn't included in the examples above because the function was only going to be applied to names and titles rather than addresses, but here it is anyway, add this after the "loop through exception cases" while clause:
-- Now for some UK (British) PostCode recognition SELECT @i=1, @CaseExceptions = @Ret; WHILE CHARINDEX(' ', @CaseExceptions, @i+1)>0 BEGIN -- get the delimited word SET @CaseLen = CHARINDEX(' ', @CaseExceptions, @i+1) - @i SET @CaseValue = SUBSTRING(@CaseExceptions, @i, @CaseLen) -- Is this word a UK postal outward code (2 letters and number(s)) IF ((LEN(@CaseValue)<=4) AND (SUBSTRING(@CaseValue, 1, 1) LIKE '[a-zA-Z]') AND (SUBSTRING(@CaseValue, 2, 1) LIKE '[a-zA-Z]') AND (SUBSTRING(@CaseValue, 3, 1) LIKE '[0-9]')) SET @CaseValue = UPPER(@CaseValue); -- Is this word a UK postal inward code (number followed by letters) IF ((LEN(@CaseValue)<=4) AND (SUBSTRING(@CaseValue, 1, 1) LIKE '[0-9]') AND (SUBSTRING(@CaseValue, 2, 1) LIKE '[a-zA-Z]') AND (SUBSTRING(@CaseValue, 3, 1) LIKE '[a-zA-Z]')) SET @CaseValue = UPPER(@CaseValue); SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' '+@CaseValue+' ', ' '+@CaseValue+' ') -- get position of next word SET @i = CHARINDEX(' ', @CaseExceptions, @i+@CaseLen) +1 END
- -- Now for some UK (British) PostCode recognition
- SELECT @i=1, @CaseExceptions = @Ret;
- WHILE CHARINDEX(' ', @CaseExceptions, @i+1)>0
- -- get the delimited word
- SET @CaseLen = CHARINDEX(' ', @CaseExceptions, @i+1) - @i
- SET @CaseValue = SUBSTRING(@CaseExceptions, @i, @CaseLen)
- -- Is this word a UK postal outward code (2 letters and number(s))
- IF ((LEN(@CaseValue)<=4) AND (SUBSTRING(@CaseValue, 1, 1) LIKE '[a-zA-Z]') AND (SUBSTRING(@CaseValue, 2, 1) LIKE '[a-zA-Z]') AND (SUBSTRING(@CaseValue, 3, 1) LIKE '[0-9]'))
- SET @CaseValue = UPPER(@CaseValue);
- -- Is this word a UK postal inward code (number followed by letters)
- IF ((LEN(@CaseValue)<=4) AND (SUBSTRING(@CaseValue, 1, 1) LIKE '[0-9]') AND (SUBSTRING(@CaseValue, 2, 1) LIKE '[a-zA-Z]') AND (SUBSTRING(@CaseValue, 3, 1) LIKE '[a-zA-Z]'))
- SET @CaseValue = UPPER(@CaseValue);
- SET @Ret = REPLACE(@Ret, ' '+@CaseValue+' ', ' '+@CaseValue+' ')
- -- get position of next word
- SET @i = CHARINDEX(' ', @CaseExceptions, @i+@CaseLen) +1