
This took me a whole afternoon and involved a lot of hope as I browsed the Internet and no one seemed to have done this before.  Fortunately, MediaWiki extensions are easier to write than Joomla CMS ones :c)

This article shows you how to get your MediaWiki system to display your Camtasia Studio SWF files in it's articles.

Why Camtasia when there are other free options?

We tried lots of FLV players that were usually branded or not free.  These were awkward to configure a full screen button on the controls and do basic customization.  Our screen recorder was also not displaying the captions of the video unless it was an AVI file that we converted to FLV.  The quality was horrible.  Then we moved to Camtasia Studio where their videos were displaying in good quality but as SWF files.  This extension includes the default settings for "ExpressShow" in Camtasia Studio.

In not as many words as others, here's my MySQL query to extract details on images stored in the MediaWiki CMS system (v1.14).

Prior to a migration and just after another change freeze, I had sent all Wiki articles modified since the last export but then needed to send all images that had also been either added/modified since.

Using MySQL, the following query lists the image name, size, user who uploaded, timestamp and the path. Remember that the paths are determined using the MD5 Hash of the filename:

What do I want?
Page ID, Title, Content, Category, AccessLevel (note that AccessLevel is extra to your standard MediaWiki setup and one that was customized for my day job).

Thought I already had this somewhere on my site, so it took a while again but I've posted my finished query here:

The base query to list mediawiki articles
Page ID, Title, Content, Category
		p.page_id AS PageID,
		CONVERT(p.page_title USING latin1) AS PageTitle,
		CONVERT(t.old_text USING latin1) AS PageContent,
		(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONVERT(wikimedia_categorylinks.cl_to USING latin1)) FROM wikimedia_categorylinks WHERE wikimedia_categorylinks.cl_from=p.page_id) AS PageCategory
		wikimedia_page p
	LEFT JOIN wikimedia_revision r ON p.page_latest=r.rev_id
	LEFT JOIN wikimedia_text t ON r.rev_text_id=t.old_id
		AND t.old_text=''
		AND p.page_is_redirect=0

As usual I have searched the WWW but I obviously don't how to use Google because I couldn't find an answer. My situation is this:
  • We have an internal wiki knowledge base using MediaWiki version 1.14.
  • Some articles are available for public, some are restricted to staff and different localgroups.
  • When users click on the 'Login' link, we want the system to automatically prompt them for their username/password. (Kerberos authenticated, as opposed to NTLM authenticated).
  • Note: This article is displaying how to change the link and not how to setup these authentication methods.

In this particular case, I'm comparing my Live and Dev versions of the same MediaWiki site. I want to add the SQL queries I used to this article but I'm in the middle of carrying out this process and it's due in two hours.

    Checking both MediaWiki have the same article content:
  1. Print Special:AllPages from both sites and do an eye-check (I basically highlighted articles found in one but not the other - we had over 2000 articles... I guess I'm a bit geekly like that)
  2. This doesn't show modified date and content size differences but I can run this SQL query to show me these.

 By adding the following line to your LocalSettings.php file, you will be able to log everything that WikiMedia does:

$wgDebugLogFile = '/home/username/public_html/wikidir/logfile';

IMPORTANT NOTE: The path above should be the exact full path to the wiki directory under your account.

Old Server

mysqldump -u root -p wikidb > wikidb.sql
tar -cvf wiki.tar wiki   ;this is the wiki folder on document root

New Server:

create database wikidb;  this is inside mysql, Note that both mysql versions should be same.
grant create, select, insert, update, delete, lock tables on wikidb.* to wiki@localhost identified by 'YourPassword' ;

MediaWiki Upgrade

copy all the new files to wiki folder and then run php update.php from maintenance folder after updating AdminSettings.php


More Information

Credit where Credit is Due:

Feel free to copy, redistribute and share this information. All that we ask is that you attribute credit and possibly even a link back to this website as it really helps in our search engine rankings.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided on this website is intended for informational purposes only and does not represent a warranty. The opinions expressed are those of the author only. We recommend testing any solutions in a development environment before implementing them in production. The articles are based on our good faith efforts and were current at the time of writing, reflecting our practical experience in a commercial setting.

Thank you for visiting and, as always, we hope this website was of some use to you!

Kind Regards,

Joel Lipman

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