... = 0;
v_Page = 1;
// do not set this to zero!!!
v_PerPage = 100;
// API keys
v_MyWordPressSiteUrl = "https://mysite.com";
v_ConsumerKey = "ck_aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffff1111222233334444";
v_ConsumerSecret ...
... I've called it "zcrm".
Standard Call for Module Record Count:
v_PerPage = 200;
v_Endpoint = "https://www.zohoapis.com/crm/v5/Quotes/actions/count";
r_MaximumCount = invokeurl
url :v_Endpoint
type ...
... declare
v_Page = 1;
v_PerPage = 100;
l_Pages = List();
// specify the maximum number of orders you think you have on eBay (check eBay homepage and see number of sales [ will be rounded to nearest ...
... */
// list of pages to loop through (note: issues with multiple pages, do 1 at a time)
l_Pages = ;
v_PerPage = 200;
for each v_Page in l_Pages
v_CountTotal = 0;
v_CountProcessed = 0;
v_FromIndex ...
This is an article documenting how to parse the notification from eBay and using it to create an order in Shopify.
Previously, we would receive an eBay notification and create an ...
... the active listings as well as specific fields so my function doesn't get overwhelmed with the amount of data in the response:
map API.fn_eBayQuery_GetActiveProducts(int p_Page, int p_PerPage)
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